50 4th Street, Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
The Ontario Steam and Antique Association held their first
annual meeting in Aberfoyle Hall, with some 70 members in
The 1962 officers are – President, Gordon E. Smith, Orillia;
Vice-Pres., William Bailey, Brampton; Secretary, Warren Webb,
Chairman, Victor Hall, Milton; Publicity and Advertising, David H.
Rogers, Stoney Creek; Program, Hugh Clark, Hagersville; Curator of
Club Property, Alex Edgar, Ayr; Membership, Gordon Bridgen and Fred
Thompson, Caledonia.
Many good reports were heard from the officials on the first
Re-union, held last September in Milton, and plans are well under
way for a bigger and better one to be held again in Milton this
August 31st and September 1 and 3rd, 1962.