This 98-foot railcar with Buffalo Springfield road roller,
Bucyrus Erie steam shovel, Port Huron traction engine, Caterpillar
Sixty tractor was shipped by Ross Johnson, 287 Alder crest Road,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8W 4J9, to Mr. Ken McCrary, in Davenport,
California, in September of 1984. It will be repainted and operated
by Mr. McCrary in his area.
At the PIONEER ACRES of ALBERTA show, taken at the new location
near Irricana, Alberta, in August 1984. This model Case threshing
outfit on display, came from Camrose, Alberta.
It states on the card that the outfit is owned by Mr. Grant
Braden & Sons of Griswold, Iowa. Mr. Gronewald asks,
‘I’m wondering if any of our good Iowa subscribers
recognize this or know this man? Could anyone identify anyone in
the photo or worked with this outfit? Would any of Mr. Braden’s
sons or grandsons still be around Griswold, Iowa? If anyone is
familiar with this photo, I would like to hear from them. Any
knowledge about this card that anyone has, I would like to see it
published in IMA to share with all readers.’