By Staff
Published on March 1, 1968
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Last wood burner in Louisiana in use Louisiana Longlear Lbr. Co., Fisher, La. Baldwin 1907 Ex ' Victoria Fisher & Western R. R ''
Last wood burner in Louisiana in use Louisiana Longlear Lbr. Co., Fisher, La. Baldwin 1907 Ex ' Victoria Fisher & Western R. R ''
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Steam engine marks the grave of Linus George Schlachter in a cemetery in Perry County, Indiana. Schlachter, who owned the engine many years, left the request that it foe used to mark his grave.
Steam engine marks the grave of Linus George Schlachter in a cemetery in Perry County, Indiana. Schlachter, who owned the engine many years, left the request that it foe used to mark his grave.
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The 20 Hp. Sawyer-Massey, built in 1926 and carries a Government Test of 175 P.S.I, steam pressure. This engine, is in excellent shape and is taken care of quite well
The 20 Hp. Sawyer-Massey, built in 1926 and carries a Government Test of 175 P.S.I, steam pressure. This engine, is in excellent shape and is taken care of quite well
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In 1900 Ed Mabry and his wife, Lizzie, came to the Virginia mountains. They bought a farm with money he saved while working in the coal mines of West Virginia.
In 1900 Ed Mabry and his wife, Lizzie, came to the Virginia mountains. They bought a farm with money he saved while working in the coal mines of West Virginia.
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Mr. Clarence Coons of Lakefield, Ontario pictured at the controls of the traction engine he owns and it was in operation at the Peterborough County Centennial Sleigh Ride held on Jan. 6, 7, 1967. The 20 Hp. Sawyer-Massey was built in 1926. Bryant Young, w
Mr. Clarence Coons of Lakefield, Ontario pictured at the controls of the traction engine he owns and it was in operation at the Peterborough County Centennial Sleigh Ride held on Jan. 6, 7, 1967. The 20 Hp. Sawyer-Massey was built in 1926. Bryant Young, w
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This is the picture of the first use of any power, other than oxen or horses, to be used for grading roads in DeKalb County, Indiana. In June 1911, Wm. G. Boren offered to pull the road grader for the sum of ten dollars per day of ten hours and furnished
This is the picture of the first use of any power, other than oxen or horses, to be used for grading roads in DeKalb County, Indiana. In June 1911, Wm. G. Boren offered to pull the road grader for the sum of ten dollars per day of ten hours and furnished
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Linus George Schlachter owned this 24 Hp. Kitten engine No. 217. He requested it be put on his grave at his death. He died Feb. 24, 1967. The cemetery is 3 miles north of Bristol, Indiana and mile east of Indiana 145.
Linus George Schlachter owned this 24 Hp. Kitten engine No. 217. He requested it be put on his grave at his death. He died Feb. 24, 1967. The cemetery is 3 miles north of Bristol, Indiana and mile east of Indiana 145.
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The engine and sawmill that were in operation at the Peterborough County Centennial Sleigh Ride held in January.
The engine and sawmill that were in operation at the Peterborough County Centennial Sleigh Ride held in January.
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Pictured is my Uncle's Case Steamer that went through a bridge the day after Thanksgiving 1908. It was owned by John Swanson of Clebume, Kansas. It happened about one mile from my fathers farm and 35 miles north of Manhattan, Kansas. Two men were killed -
Pictured is my Uncle's Case Steamer that went through a bridge the day after Thanksgiving 1908. It was owned by John Swanson of Clebume, Kansas. It happened about one mile from my fathers farm and 35 miles north of Manhattan, Kansas. Two men were killed -
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I subscribed for your Iron Men Album Magazine last fall at Northeast Nebraska Threshers Reunion at Mayberry's, Niobrara, Nebraska. I have certainly enjoyed reading this magazine and have let some of my older friends read it
I subscribed for your Iron Men Album Magazine last fall at Northeast Nebraska Threshers Reunion at Mayberry's, Niobrara, Nebraska. I have certainly enjoyed reading this magazine and have let some of my older friends read it

We were able to do the heavy grading on six miles of road in the
alloted time. When using three, teams of horses we could only make
one mile per day, at three dollars per day for a man and his team.
There was much opposition to the use of the steam tractor by the,
horse owners. The engine power did six miles of road in the three

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