Artesian, S. D. 57314
The seventh annual Steam Threshing jamboree was held August
22,23, and 24 at Prairie Village two miles west of Madison near
Lake Herman in South Dakota.
There were seven steam traction engines: Nichols and Shephard
16-60, Russell 30-90, Advance 20-60, Aultman and Taylor 20-60, Case
The Gas Engines surpassed the steamers ten to one. The big gas
tractors were Minneapolis 35-70, Aultman Taylor 30-60, Large Big 4,
also a small Big 4, Twin City 20-40, and one Rock Island Tractor.
There were a great number of Tractors from two bottom to four
bottom plow size.
Our newest and different steam engine is a German Steam
Locomotive. It was used in the German shipyards and is a 1927
vintage; a real jewel. This locomotive is used to give rides,
pulling two open type passenger cars. We have a small right of way
now, but are planning on enlarging it. This quaint little engine
weighs nine ton and is narrow gauge.
All three days the steam and gas tractors threshed grain using
seven threshers. Case, Aultman Taylor, Advance, and John Deere
makes of threshers were used.
Wally Nelson and his gas Aultman Taylor stole the show on
threshing. Wally’s engine is a new comer to our show and we
oldsters and younguns wanted to see the fine job done by Wally on
this tractor.
The Advance and Russell did the honors on the saw mill. The
Russell has been reworked and painted like new. A find job done by
Milton and Roger Ayes (a father and son team) along with Jack
The saw mill, also Ayers, has been completely rebuilt from the
base up, including a concrete base. The saw mill will now last for
many more generations.
During the show, three men became Steam engineers. Many of the
older visiting steam engineers commented on our young steam
engineers and how careful and conscientiously they handled the
steamers. The three men are Roger Ayes, John Palmquist and Harvey
Kuhls. Harvey, being the youngest at 16.
After the show on Saturday evening, films were shown and a sing
out was held. This helped people get acquainted and to view the
Village at night. It does look different at night.
Our Sunday show started with Church service held in our Prairie
Village Church, Catholic at Seven and nondenominational at eight.
Coming out of the Church after services and looking a little way
south west seeing Lake Herman on the Beautiful sunny morning; well
the day just had to go right! Everything did too. The steamers and
gas engines preformed very good, small and large alike went about
their tasks and were viewed by 25,000 people.
As we progress at the Village we oldsters hope to have more time
to visit the Olsons from Galva, Illinois and the Machans from Salt
Lake City, Utah and all of the rest of the steam enthusiasts from
all over.
At one time a group from Scotland, South Dakota rethreshed a
scene where Dad (Fred Klinkner) threshed 320 acres of grain on one
straw pile using 20 racks with horses. This was a mountain straw
pile. The people standing around listening to the story were just
as enthused as I was. Our next show date is August 28, 29, and 30,
1970. See You There!