Secretary R.D.I, Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
For the thirteenth time, an outstanding display of steam
traction engines, tractors, threshers and balers, provided an
interesting exhibition for the few thousand spectators who attended
from the tri-state area. The event was held at the M.D. Fullerton
farm, near Burgettstown, Pa. on September 19-20. Heavy rain in
although we were able to operate during the entire two days, with
only occasional showers. After more than 10 years of near-perfect
weather for the event, we realized we would have to expect a mild
set-back upon occasion. But, we hope to be right back in there for
the 1970 edition of our reunion.
As usual, careful adherence to a schedule, kept the show moving
from mid-forenoon to late evening. The main feature, threshing and
baling, was demonstrated several times daily. A fan, loaned us by
Ralph Bowden, Zanes-ville, Ohio, in addition to the one regularly
used, enabled both the steam engines and tractors to take their
turn. We find the fans are creating much interest, but the
inquiries put to us by onlookers are not easy to answer. For
instance, ‘What is the purpose of that thing?’ The sawmill
attracted many interested persons several times daily, and the
shingle mill is always a popular attraction. Twice daily, all
horses, traction engines and tractors in fact anything with wheels
that will propel itself-made their way around the large barn yard
in spectacular parades. This never fails to attract the
The customary number and variety of make of traction engines was
present. A newcomer was the 12 hp. Star, owned by J.H. Fleming,
Sarver, Pa. And the 110 Case was on deck with a proud new owner.
Willis R. Abel, of Finleyville, Pa. acquired it during the summer.
His father, Willis T. Abel, you can be sure, was on hand at all
times to assist his son. You see, Willis, Sr. got his experience
with these engines many years ago in the Kansas wheat fields.
Willis also owns a 25 hp. Russell, which he plans to have ready for
the next show. If you happen to be past Mineral Beach, near
Finleyville, stop and have a look at the Willis Abel Enterprises.
And last but not least, we had the beautiful 6′ model of the 65
Case, accompanying the 3′ model of the same, built and shown by
their proud owners, Thos. Hatcher and Son, of New Concord, Ohio.
Our hats are all off to these men, as they show these two beautiful
engines. Our oldest owner and engineer, Ed. Aten, had his 65 Case
ready at all times and also found time to look after the stationary
boiler at the table for steam models and smaller engines.
Our tractor department is still improving. The usual ones were
there, and Louis McMaster has added a Sixty Caterpillar to his
growing collection which included a 5 Ton Caterpillar. And Mrs.
McMaster was right handy with the Atterbury truck, which dates back
to the 1920’s. In all, we were able to show about 20 tractors
of varied makes and all in fine condition.
Dean Redd had both of his Keystone machines in operation. The
size 3 Steam Well Driller was in charge of Glenn Leyda while Dean
took care of the Model 3 Steam Skimmer Shovel. W.H. Cowan, Beaver
Falls, Pa. was on hand with his horse power baler, one of very few
in the entire U.S. It was built by Panama Hay Press Co. Kansas
City, Mo. and is always a feature attraction.
C.R. Fullerton and daughters continue to provide fresh supplies
of first class wheat flour and corn meal. It is bought faster than
they can mill it on the old burr-stone mill. And they make mighty
fine eating when prepared in the proper manner. I suppose the
reason is that they are ground by steam power.
The grounds and arrangements were in fine condition, under the
watchful eye of show manager, Nello Mungai, and he filled in as
announcer for the entire show. Unfavorable weather kept many of the
antique cars from appearing. This proved disappointing to the large
number of fans who came for this interesting part of the event. A
pony pull on Friday night was well attended. Bill Burris provided
two stage shows during Saturday and conducted the annual square
dance on Saturday night which always brings the reunion to a close.
Again, several bus loads of school children from the nearby
districts toured the grounds and the exhibitions through the
courtesy of the association.
The women of the auxiliary were busy with their usual bazaar and
cared for the registrations and memberships and Album
subscriptions. All gate and parking duties were efficiently
conducted by members of the Southside Volunteer Fire Department,
while Slovan Volunteer Fire Department provided fire protection.
The William Neel Funeral Home provided an ambulance for service
throughout the entire show and The American Red Cross manned an
efficient field station in their mobile trailer.
In spite of unfavorable weather conditions, the show was
considered a success and plans will soon be laid for another
exhibition in 1970.
Officers of the Association are: President, Lester Lee, Cross
Creek, Pa; Vice President, Guy Creighton, Washington, Pa.;
Treasurer, Evelyn Crow, and Secretary, Paul Crow, Charleroi, Pa.
Board of Directors are: Tracy Lewton, Hickory, Pa.;Dean Redd,
Charleroi, Pa; V.M.Paul, Hickory, Pa.; Dell Weaver, Canonsburg,
Pa.; Arthur Short, Clinton, Pa.; J.L. Cotter, Aliquippa, Pa.; Glenn
Fullerton, Burgettstown, Pa.; Earl Hamilton, Lisbon, Ohio; Frank
Gormley, Aliquippa, Pa.
I can’t tell a lienot even when I hear one.