Return To Grandpa’s Day On The Farm

By Scott L. Thompson
Published on May 1, 1986
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75 HP Keck-Gonnerman, Model-T Ford and Birdsell clover huller.
75 HP Keck-Gonnerman, Model-T Ford and Birdsell clover huller.
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Horse-drawn bundle wagon lots of volunteers at Tazewell show!
Horse-drawn bundle wagon lots of volunteers at Tazewell show!
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75 HP Keck-Gonnerman ready to lay into 28'' Case separator at Tazewell.
75 HP Keck-Gonnerman ready to lay into 28'' Case separator at Tazewell.

Rt. 2, Box 30 Tremont, Illinois 61568

For a single day on August 3rd, nearly 1,000 people from Central
Illinois boarded a time machine which took them back to the day
when steam was king and the whirr of the threshing machine and
neighbor working alongside neighbor was a way of life.

This magical trip took place on the Alvin Beutel Farm near

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