525 Sunrise Place, NW, Sublimity, Oregon 97385
It was March of 1998 that adherents at the Antique Power land
Museum, located near Salem, Oregon, decided that a new century
provided a ‘once in a lifetime’ chance to hold a special
heritage celebration. The legacy of power machines dates back to
the 18th Century with the introduction of steam motivation followed
introduction of apparatus and implements for harnessing that power
to assist with such daily tasks as farming, logging, fabrication
and manufacturing.
Antique Power land is all about those early machines and
implements, their design, history and use, and the people behind
them. These collections provide the ready-made opportunity for
‘Celebrating 100 Years of Machines, ‘theme of this
year’s 30th Great Oregon Steam-Up. The Steam-Up will take place
the two weekends of July 29th, 30th and August 5th, 6th.
Fourteen different heritage restoration and preservation groups
function at Power land, each dedicated to different categories of
machines. Represented are steam, early gas engines, tractors,
crawlers, farm implements, construction, logging and sawing, black
smithing, flour milling, trucks, rail and trolleys represented and
demonstrated both full size and in model exhibits.
The show is held at the 63 acre Power land heritage site with
free parking being provided. Demonstrations include: threshing,
baling, plowing (both tractors and horses), blacksmithing, logging
and steam driven saw milling, wheelwright fabrication, antique
engine and tractor operation, steam traction engines and stationary
engine operations, spinning and weaving fire service apparatus
demonstrations, culminating in a daily giant parade!
Saturday, July 29th will be Cater pillar Day. The Caterpillar
Company, an American institution, is celebrating its 75th
anniversary this year. In recognition, Power land’s Antique
Caterpillar Machinery Museum will host a one-day salute to the
‘Cat.’ Plans include special demonstrations and a Cat-Only
Sunday, July 30th will feature farming, logging and sawing.
These two economic drivers dominated the area’s productivity
for many years. Operating ‘donkey’ steam engines will be
displayed as will scaled operational logging and a planned
presentation on early logging in the forest. Spinning and weaving
will be demonstrated as well.
Saturday, August 5th will highlight transportation, trades and
services. Special emphasis will be directed to blacksmithing, fire
service, construction and electrification.
Sunday, August 6th, will be the culmination of this four-day
spectacle with a focus on early period ‘Great Machines at
Work’ including both steam and gasoline. The day will focus on
how the large machines operated and were used.
Bring your RV and stay at Power land for the duration, including
the intervening week. Two weekday events are planned out of the
Salem area on Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, for the
enjoyment of those staying over. Tuesday there will be a visit to
Alan and Marcella Schurman’s ‘Iron Ranch,’ near
Battleground, Washington. Iron Ranch is a heritage site, not unlike
Power land, with lots to do and see. Wednesday, the Oregon Fire
Service has arranged a field trip to the Port land area to include
a fire museum visit, a fireboat demonstration and tour of the
vintage steam tug, ‘Port land.’ Arrangements can be made as
late as at time of arrival to participate in these activities.
Antique Power land Museum is easy to find. Take 1-5 to the
Brooks, Oregon exit #263, which is eight miles north of Salem. Upon
exiting, turn west mile for the entrance to the site which is well
marked. For more information, contact me at the above address, or
call (503) 767-2400; (503) 767-2413 or e-mail dalzell@wvi.com.
Visit our website at www.antiquepowerland.com. For things to do in
the area and accommodations, see the Salem Convention and
Visitor’s Association website at www.scva.org.