By The Hartman Family
Published on May 1, 1972
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The steam roller advances in crossing the highway and ''Steam gets the right-of-way''. The Keystone Cop is William Albrecht. David Clark is at the throttle.
The steam roller advances in crossing the highway and ''Steam gets the right-of-way''. The Keystone Cop is William Albrecht. David Clark is at the throttle.
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The Buffalo Steam Roller going to work. It's leaving Clark's Home to cross the Highway into the grounds on the Trading Post. Allan Pommer and Peter Thompson are the advance guards to help stop traffic on Route 3.
The Buffalo Steam Roller going to work. It's leaving Clark's Home to cross the Highway into the grounds on the Trading Post. Allan Pommer and Peter Thompson are the advance guards to help stop traffic on Route 3.
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Buffalo steam roller, 1920, working in front of Steam Fire Engine Museum at Clark's Trading Post, North Woodstock, New Hampshire. Courtesy of Roy R. Hart man, 32 Maryland Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.
Buffalo steam roller, 1920, working in front of Steam Fire Engine Museum at Clark's Trading Post, North Woodstock, New Hampshire. Courtesy of Roy R. Hart man, 32 Maryland Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.
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William Albrecht, ''Keystone'' cop helps the Buffalo steam roller down New Hampshire, Route 3
William Albrecht, ''Keystone'' cop helps the Buffalo steam roller down New Hampshire, Route 3
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The Buffalo roller continues on into the Clark's Trading Post. The roller is of 1920 vintage. Courtesy of Roy R. Hartman, 32 Maryland Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.
The Buffalo roller continues on into the Clark's Trading Post. The roller is of 1920 vintage. Courtesy of Roy R. Hartman, 32 Maryland Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. 20028.

32 Maryland Ave., S. E. Washington, D. C. 20028.

North Woodstock, New Hampshire, home of Clark’s Trading Post
is a place everyone would enjoy. They are dedicated to the
preservation of early Americana, with a heavy concentration on

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