R. F. D. 1, Box 193 Sharon Road Bridgeport, Ohio 43912
Our 6th Annual Reunion was a huge success. Our crowds are
getting larger every year. Several people made the remark we would
have to have a few more acres of ground for another year. The
weather was beautiful which was in our favor. It was cool in the
mornings and evenings but real warm in the afternoons.
We had 13 steam traction engines, 1 portable and several small
scale models. Our engines are as follows: 9HP Case owned by C. W.
Dunlap, New Athens, Ohio; 20 HP Russell owned by Charles Harrison,
Scio, Ohio; 13 HP Russell owned by Lewis Dittoe, Dresdon, Ohio; 24
HP Greyhound owned by Edgar and Bill Flowers, Adena, Ohio; 16 HP
Huber and a 15 HP Peerless owned by Herbert Holmes, Moundsville, W.
Va.; Russell owned by William Humphreville, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio; 16
HP Frick and a 16 HP Russell owned by Raymond Laizure of Cadiz,
Ohio; 20 HP Aultman & Taylor owned by George Richey, Norwich,
Ohio, 12 HP; Home made engine owned and built by Fred Rogers of
Kensington, Ohio; 16 HP Portable Russell owned by Francis Young,
East Sparta, Ohio; an 18 HP Keck-Gonnerman owned by Oliver Sword,
Dalton, Ohio; and a 20 HP Reeves owned by Asel Gabel, Bridgeport,
Ohio. Our small engines were a Frick built and owned by Russell
Gay, Waynesburg, Pa.; 3′ Model Case engine built and owned by
Thomas Hatcher and sons, New Concord, Ohio; a Free Lance Model
traction engine built and owned by Gary J. Arnold, Marietta,
We also had on display and working 5 separators; a 30′
Champion Hand Fed built in 1895; two 28-46 Case; one 28-46 Red
River Special.
Our balers were John Deere, an Ann Arbor, an Ohio and an
We had several gasoline engines on display and running, owned by
several different people. We never got their names.
Our mule team and covered wagon was there again and attracting a
lot of attention. We also had a circus train pulled by a tractor
for the kiddies.
We had two baker fans which were set to turning often. Our saw
mill buzzed away both days of our show and some fine lumber turned
out. The shingle mill was kept busy and every one went away with a
shingle or two for a souvenir.
Our stone burr corn meal machine was also kept busy. People
stood in line to buy a bag or two of that good old fashioned corn
The Absolum Brothers were there again with their 1930 Chevrolet
Sedan, 1930 Ford Truck (which look and run like new). They also had
on display an old fashioned bicycle, child’s tricycle, wagon
and several sleds.
Doc Saffell of Belmont, Ohio had a wonderful display of antique
clocks, They were enjoyed by everyone present.
The ladies of our group had a bazaar and antique show. Many
lovely old antiques were on display. Next year plan to have a bake
sale along with their bazaar.
On Saturday evening we had a garden tractor pulling contest.
This was followed by square dancing for several hours.
Our picture gallery is always a popular place.
Every day at 4 P.M. we had our grand parade which gave the
crowds an opportunity to see the antiques and models pass in
review. Mr. Kenny Cope was in charge of the P.A. system.
Sunday morning at 9, we had our worship service which always
features the hymn ‘Bringing in the sheaves’.
On October 5th, Mr. Gabel had an old Fashioned Threshing Bee at
his home on Sharon Road, Colerain, Ohio. Several hundred people
enjoyed helping and seeing oats threshed, straw baled and clover
seed hulled.
On November 16th, we had our fall fun meet at the New Athens
Fire House, New Athens, Ohio. We had a covered dish dinner with
ham, turkey, rolls, and coffee served by the club. Our attendance
was between 140 and 150. After dinner, we showed movies and then
square danced for a couple of hours.
Our officers are Mr. Charles Harrison, Scio, Ohio, President;
Mr. Herbert Holmes, Moundsville, W. Va., Vice-President and Mr.
Asel A. Gabel, Bridgeport Ohio, Secretary-Treasurer. Our board of
directors are: Raymond Davis, Scio, Ohio, Raymond Laizure, Cadiz,
Ohio: William Humphreville, Mount Pleasant, Ohio; Edgar Flowers,
Adena, Ohio; William Flowers, Adena, Ohio; Herbert Holmes,
Moundsville, W. Va.; C. W. Saffell, Belmont, Ohio and Asel Gabel,
Bridgeport, Ohio.
Remember Folks, our show is always the Saturday and Sunday
following Labor Day. Hope to see you all next year.