Secretary, Stumptown Steam Threshers Club
The Lord again smiled down on the 1980 Stumptown Steam Threshers
Show. Good weather prevailed both days. Several wet spots caused
the show grounds to be somewhat crowded but a nice crowd was on
hand both days. The show opened with the singing of ‘God Bless
America’ by Mrs. Anna Burton while the flag was being raised
shingle mill, corn meal machines and the threshers got into action.
Young and old were entertained by Gary Arnold with his scale engine
sawmill and boiler.
At 1:00 the slow engine race began. Joe Harrison on his
grandfather’s 20 HP Russell took the antique engine trophy and
Bill Arnold on his ‘Goat’ -scale engine won in his
category. The block race with the antique engines was won by John
McDowell on his 21-75 Baker in 42 seconds and Bill Arnold won the
-scale block race with his ‘Goat.’
At 2:00 Jim Fisher was chosen to be the Thresherman of the Year
and Virginia VanDyne was crowned the Thresherman’s Queen. The
parade started at 4:00 led by the newly chosen Thresherman of the
Year and the Queen riding on a 1922 1-ton Model T. truck which was
owned by Ralph Jones of Woodsfield. Following the parade, the
tobacco spitting contest was held. Twenty entrants entered the
contest and the winner, Terry Kellermeyer, spit 20 feet and won the
bronze spittoon. Helen Cobbs was the only female brave enough to
enter. She spit 6 feet, 1 inch and won a T-shirt for her
At 7:00 the wagon-backing contest got underway. Only two
contestants were able to back the wagon over the full course and
park. The tractors were divided into two categories, wide front end
and tricycle front end. All tractors had to be built before 1945
and all were hooked to the wagon by the rear drawbar. Dick Lyle
completed the course in 45 seconds on his J.D. B tractor and John
Miller took one minute, 30 seconds. Henry Niemiec was the closest
with the wide front end J.D. L tractor.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary auctioned off a quilt that they had
made. It was bought by Carroll Garrett of Glenford. The old time
fiddlers contest was held at 8:00 under the direction of Bert
Toole. Fifteen fiddlers entered in two categories, under 30 and
over 30. First place winner in the under 30 class was John
Jefferies, second place was Mike Gerber and third place was Larry
Stalk. Dorman Jefferies, father of the above winner, took first
place in the over 30 class, Don Wilson won second and Jim Addy won
third. Bill Able and Skipp Brenniger were the M.C.’s.
Sunday’s activities began with church services conducted by
Marion Rogers. Music and singing was provided by Thelma McConnell,
Anna Burton and Kathy Sleuts. The usual activities got underway
after the church services. At 1:00 the slow engine race was held.
Henry Niemiec was the winner in the antique class on Saffell’s
12 HP Russell and Chris Arnold won on his dad’s ‘goat’
in the -scale competition.
In the block race, Phil McDowell, son of Saturday’s winner,
was the winner on his dad’s 21-75 Baker in 38 seconds. Chris
Arnold took the -scale race by beating Earl Hamilton by two seconds
and Tom Hatcher by three seconds.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary raffled off another quilt that they
had made. It was won by Lee Phillips of Wells-ville. Plenty of good
food was served by the New Athens Firemen’s Auxiliary and the
Lafferty Womens Club. The warm weather kept the ice cream and snow
cone stands busy and the soft drinks flowing.
At 4:00 the grand parade got under way. All rolling equipment
entered the parade and plaques were given to all entrants. 230 gas
engines, 50 tractors, 20 model steam engines, 3 antique cars and
trucks, 9 full size steamers, 3 -scale steamers and 2 -size
steamers were registered.
Our prayers and thanks go to Mickey MacDonald who has been our
M.C. for several years but was unable to come to our show this year
because of sickness. He was so kind as to send his equipment with
his brother-in-law so that ‘the show could go on.’ Our
prayers also go to the family of John Sell, who was unable to
attend our show with his engine and shingle mill. John has since
passed away.
Special thanks go to Lester Nabb who filled in as M.C. and did a
marvelous job. Also thanks go to ‘Auggie’ Keyser who
assisted him and to the New Athens Firemen for the fine job of
parking cars in the muddy fields.
The Stumptown officers and directors wish to thank all who
worked so hard to make our show a success and all the exhibitors
who displayed. Also thanks go to all spectators for without them we
could not afford to have a show. See you this year on September 12
and 13, the weekend after Labor Day.