This month’s back cover shows scenes from Tom and Lois
Terning’s 1981 show. The account of that show follows, and is
of particular interest, since the show will be held for the fifth
time this fall, but became ‘public’ only in 1981. We’d
like to encourage the Terning family and others like them, whose
small family shows grow each year and draw greater numbers into the
Hoover Road, Valley Center, KS 67147.
The following is an account of the 4th annual Terning Steam and
Gas Engine Show held October 10, 11, 1981 at Valley Center, Kansas.
This was the first year this was a public show. In the years
previous, it had been a one day private endeavor. The fog, cool
weather, and finally the rain on the last day was disheartening.
However, a good time was had by all and the show dates have been
set for September3,4,5,6,1982. See ad in this issue for further
‘Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light,’
were the words being sung by Mrs. Virgil Litke of Marion, Kansas,
as the flag was being raised for the beginning of the show. The
only problem was that one could barely see the flag because of the
intense fog.
As the sun was fighting its way thru the fog, one could begin to
make out several familiar figures and shapes milling about.
A 20 HP Aultman Taylor was being coaxed with much tender loving
care by Mr. ‘Avery’ Sullivan of Wichita. Success soon came
and he and his lovely wife, Zelma, proceeded to the separator to
thresh some wheat for the spectators. ‘Butch’ Olson and
‘Stovepipe’ Nelson, of Minnesota and South Dakota
respectfully, provided much of the pitching power for the entire
Close behind was Gary Base and sons, Doug and Dan, pitching fuel
into the majestic 32 HP Reeves owned by Mr. James Leake of
Muskogee, Oklahoma. The reluctant mass soon gave in to Gary’s
expert manipulations and lumbered off slowly across the field.
John Gries of Wichita was concentrating on mastering the 16 HP
Rumley owned by the Tom Ternings. He skillfully supplied the needed
power for the sawmill. The master sawyer, ‘Reynold
Terning,’ of Minnesota eyed each log to get the best possible
use from it. John Vogt and his sons Jim and Bill supplied the
lumber and manpower to operate the sawmill. The sawmill had
originally been built many years ago by Paul Kusnefsky of Florence,
Kansas. Much deterioration had taken place and it was thru the
effort and dedication of many people that it is now in running
condition. Adjacent to the larger sawmill was
Bill Alter and son Albert with their scale Case 65 model on a
sawmill sawing cedar. Many spectators were eager to obtain a piece
of the cedar.
Meanwhile, back at the separator, another figure was making its
way to the belt. Don and Margaret Blecha of Wichita on their
beautifully restored 20-70 Nichols and Shepard, were eager to make
it perform. Right behind them was Dan White of Newton on his 20 HP
Rumley. Also wanting to give the younger men a run for their money
was Vaden Stroud of Hutchinson operating a 22-75 Nichols and
Shepard owned by Mr. Leake.
A huge Baker fan stood ready to take on anyone willing to
belt-up. The invitation seemed to be just the challenge Richard
Wall of Hillsboro, on his recently restored 13 HP Reeves,
Waiting behind Richard was Dave Sebitz of Hesston with his
emmaculate 30 HP Case. David Mouser, operating a 8 x 10 Frick owned
by Tom Terning, was also waiting in line for his turn. The New
Huber, owned by Mr. Leake and operated by Ron Bates, was circling
the grounds not sure of which challenge to pursue.
The fast and slow races seemed to be a big attention getter.
Many people had never seen either race and were fascinated by the
gracefulness of these giants in slow motion.
At the rear of the grounds a 50 HP Case was making its way to
what appeared to be a hill that was a bit steep to even walk up.
What did Art Kostead and Tom Terning have in mind was the question
many people were asking. The crowd did not have long to wait as the
pair skillfully guided the huge engine up and down the hill with
several stops in the middle of the hill.
Many models were present. They were showing their skills at the
hill climb, pyramid stunts, and fast and slow races. Among the
faces that were seen thru the smoke were Larry Hedrick of Arkansas
City on his Advance. Bill Billings was close behind on his scale
Advance Rumley. Brother Jack Billings seemed to prefer his
Peerless. Bob Uhruh and sons, Timmy and David, of Hillsboro were
giving their Russell a real workout. Ed and Dian Routh on their
scale Case 65 were darting about. Jim Hijek of Medford, Oklahoma,
was busy working out his scale Case 65 by hauling spectators back
and forth from the parking lot on a wagon. Jack Johnson, who was a
special inspiration to all at the show, was operating his Advance
from a wheelchair while recovering from a stroke. Paul Anderson of
Smolon had a huge grin on his face as he skillfully manuvered his
scale Case 65 about.
Tom and Lois Terning had their Fourth Annual Steam and Gas
Engine Show on their farm last October. which went ‘public’
last year in Kansas.
On a table were several smaller models displayed by Moses Voth,
Harold Zeiner and Lawrence Miller. Many years of labor and love had
gone into these models and the pride showed all over their
A partially completed scale Case 65, owned by Mahlon Giffin, sat
a bit apart from the mainstream of the show. Mahlon’s grin just
seemed to say, ‘just wait until next year and it will be the
best looking model at the show.’
Never missing an opportunity to liven things up a bit was John
Youkman of Newton firing up his Oil Pull. Harold Ottaway on his
Little Red Devil and brother, Herb, on his steam car also aroused
much interest. Charles Richardson and Ernest Nutsch displayed their
antique tractors. An Appleton corn shredder owned by the Ternings
was being put to the test once in a while. The antique binder that
had bound all of the wheat being used at the show sat quietly thru
the show, its work being done months before.
Many people were displaying their gas engines. ‘Doc’
Hotvedt kept everyone in line in this department. There were too
many to mention. However, one special engine that was furnished by
the Wheat Heritage Club was a 40 HP one cylinder, D-Luverne. Giving
a ride to those desiring one, was Aaron Terning on his 10-20
International Harvester crawler. Aaron had spent much time over the
past year scraping and painting to have it ready.
From high on his perch in the speaker’s stand came the
knowledgeable voice of Jim Thomas of Graf-ford, Texas. Jim
delighted in keeping the general public informed of the events
taking place all over the grounds. ‘Make sure and visit the
booths and see the craft items, stained glass, model steam engines
and much more for sale.’ ‘Vivian Base will amaze you with
her wheat weaving skills and Quentin Base has some beautiful hand
crafted scale bundle wagons to see.’ ‘The 4-H children have
cookies for sale and the wheelchair basketball team has piping hot
popcorn.’ ‘Karen Olson will give craft demonstrations in
the tent beginning at 1:00.’ His voice wanted to make everyone
be everywhere all at once.
The Valley Short Line Steam Train, owned and operated by Charlie
George and crew ran constantly much to the delight of many
youngsters and some not so young. This steam train was a Ottaway
Amusement Locomotive.
The eight bottom plow owned by Virgil Litke was giving many an
engine a run for their money.
The House of Iron was on hand to show many just ‘how
easy’ it is to bend iron.
One figure which kept appearing at various places throughout the
show was Howard Terning of Fortine, Montana. Tom’s dad had been
with him for several weeks prior to the show to help wherever
needed. His main job now appeared to be keeping everything and
everybody in line. Dan Hedrick and Joe Mitchum also seemed to be
everywhere at once whenever needed to help solve problems.
When Saturday evening came the exhibitors were indeed ready for
a break. A buffalo barbeque was served by the Ternings. Some sweet
corn had been brought from Minnesota and with the cakes and
desserts provided by the many ladies the exhibitors did indeed get
their much-earned nourishment.
A spark show followed the evening meal.
On Sunday morning Bob and Brenda Jordan provided special music
at the church service. Pastor Rumple gave the message.
The rain called an abrupt halt to the show at 3:30 Sunday
afternoon. The show seemed to be over with before it began. All the
work of the summer of binding wheat, building booths, hauling
engines, restoring engines, etc. seemed to be a memory. For many
days everything just sat in the mud as if to say, ‘What
next?’ Thoughts about the next show were going thru our heads.
It would be bigger and better and we are putting in our order for
better weather. See you then!!