1212 Tibbals Street, Holdrege, Nebraska 68949
I have noticed an intense interest in the 40-72 Case. My father,
J. J. Huston, of Rogan, Nebraska, bought a 1922 model in 1926 in
Wisconsin and used it for 21 years. We used it for belt power
principally. We had a 40′ Case separator.
The tractor was bought to replace a Case 80′ steamer. There
labor, price of coal, availability of water and public demand were
the deciding factors. The tractor soon dispelled the doubts. It was
easy to operate and upkeep was low. The enclosed gearing and
pressure oiling system were ahead of their time.
Shows a threshing scene taken in 1918 on the J. J. Huston
homestead in Rogan, Nebraska. Equipment includes an 80 HP Case and
40-62 thresher.
J. J. Huston and the 40-72 Case tractor. Below, shows the Case
in October, 1947 as it is about to be shipped to its new owner in
The economy was much greater than on other tractors we operated.
The ten-gallon crankcase made it possible to use the oil over and
over again. Forty-five gallons of water was much less than most
tractors of that time!
The 35-70 Minnie was a nice tractor but the one shot oiling
system, open gearing, open clutches and the heat on the operator
were drawbacks. The fact that the Case could burn some water with
fuel added to its efficiency. The Case was used around 130 days per
year for heavy belt work pulling trees and grading roads. Its
drawbar pull on good footing was comparable to a Cat 60. The
position of the oil sump in the crankcase was all wrong for pulling
an elevating grader so we bought Cat 60’s for that, but
continued to use the Case for finishing the roads.
Many road officials demanded it for packing. Usually we
overhauled it in the winter and that lasted until the next winter.
We re-sleeved it one time. We packed the old sleeves and pistons in
the grease and 4 still have them. I hope someone wants them as I
hate to see them sold for old iron. I also have a set of pistons
for the Minnie.
The Case was sold to a man in Canada for sod breaking and
sawmill work. I wish I was able to see it now. The Huston’s
have been in custom farming since before the turn of the century
when my grandfather bought a hand-fed Aultman Taylor separator and
horsepower. We finished our dirt moving career with a Steiger and a
11 -yard scraper.
There have been many steamers and tractors in our family room
through the years, but the big Case stands out in my memory.