219 Lincoln Street Steelton, Pennsylvania
As we approached the town of Bangor, we realized how different
the terrain was. My sister, Esther Sorg, and I were driving behind
Bob Brandt’s low boy truck. Mounted on the trailer was my
Father’s 1928 Peerless steam traction engine on its way to the
Blue Mountain Antique Gas and Steam Engine Association. As we
expressions on the faces of the people we passed. They were
interested, amazed, and impressed. I guess they would be, this
being the first time a 50 hp steam engine, all fired up, blowing
steam, puffing smoke, and blowing her whistle ever crossed their
path before.
Halfway to Bangor, Bob pulled off the road so we could build a
fire in the engine. This would enable us to have enough steam to
drive her off the low boy when we arrived at the show. The date was
July of 73, which was the second year for the show.
Since then the show, which is held at the Jacktown Community
Center near Bangor, has grown from a few exhibitors to 38 gas
engine exhibitors, antique displays, corn husking, and much
In 1974 the show as held on July 19, 20 and 21.
Friday was a day filled with preparations and getting organized.
Many exhibitors had to be registered and given numbers. Ralph
Schlough, who has been involved with the show ever since it was
formed, was always around to give suggestions and a helping hand.
Betty, his wife, could be found at the flea market stand selling
items of use for very reasonable prices.
There was threshing twice a day. Unlike larger shows, where a
steam traction engine supplies the power for threshing, a
stationary gas engine was used. The thresher, made by the Messinger
Manufacturing Co., was owned by B. Schlough. Other activities
included corn grinding, corn husking, water pump displays, and many
other exhibitions including a model of a steam engine which was
made on a 2-inch scale as you can see in this picture. The model
was made and owned by William Rader.
There were also gas tractors to be seen. Some had motors of 350
hp, and one tractor in particular was put together by Paul
Seachrist. He calls it his very own concoction.
On Sunday there was an antique car show and prizes were given
for various classifications.
There was also a tractor pull I should say a tractor-steam
engine pull. A 350 hp Farmall tractor was challenged against our 50
hp Peerless steam engine. A person would think that the 350 hp
would definitely win. After some cheering on by the crowd, a couple
of deep holes in the ground made from the spinning of the
tractor’s wheels, and one broken axle on the Farmall tractor, a
winner was declared. We forgot to mention that Ole Puff weighed ten
tons. Well, no wonder the tractor couldn’t budge us. Esther,
our Engineer, felt very bad about breaking the axle on the tractor,
but the owner was a very good sport and he assured us that the axle
could be repaired.
Everyone at the show is cooperative and friendly. An example of
how great the people are is as follows:
Is a 2-inch scale steam engine owned by William Rader. These
were taken at The Blue Mountain Antique Gas And Steam Engine
Association Show in July of 1974.
The first year we participated, there wasn’t much ground for
a steam engine to ramble over. This was because, I suspect, no one
at the association realized how much room a steam engine
When we came back to the grounds for the second day of the show,
we discovered that the men had worked very hard clearing trees,
gathering old fallen debris and smoothing the ground through the
woods making a road, our own private driveway, for Ole Puff. We
were very impressed.
In the evenings when the sun went down and the coolness and
silence of the Pocono Mountains began to surround us, the night
would be disturbed, in a most delightful way, by the strumming of
guitars and the stomping of feet. A small band would play
country-western music while children and adults clapped to the
music. In the background, numbers were being called out for the
anxious players in the bingo games. And the cake walks! Not one
cake, not five cakes, but at least fifteen cakes were being chanced
upon. After the cakes were distributed, there was watermelon,
dozens of eggs, certificates for home made ice cream, and a few
other articles to be won by the lucky participants who paid their
The name of the Association is Blue Mountain Antique Gas and
Steam Engineer Association, so it must have at least one steam
engine exhibitor and it did. We were the only clean-up
‘men’, the oil and grease drew, to build a fire and try and
keep it going ‘couple’ on board Ole Puff, the only 1928
50hp Peerless steam engine for miles around. Dad, Mervin B. Grubb,
is the owner, head mechanic, and decision maker where Ole Puff is
concerned. And when Daddy decided that we would make Bangor our
first show of each year, my sister and I were very happy.
All during the three days we were in operation, we offered free
rides to anyone who desired them. All they had to do was sit still
on the hay wagon that we pulled behind us.
We were sorry to have the time pass so rapidly, but then
doesn’t it always when one is having a good time? Although
shows require a lot of hard work, this effort is always equaled or
bettered by the enjoyment we have.
I am sure that the president of the show, Paul Brodt, would like
to see more exhibitors, members, and visitors come to Bangor and
take part in the Association. Please do.
We have been talking to Ralph and he has informed us that the
dates for this years get-together will be June 27, 28, and 29 at
the same location Jacktown Community Center. There will be more
threshing and some new additions. So come if you can. And don’t
forget to say hello to Esther Sorg and Doris Grubb, first and
second engineers on Ole Puff.