The wheels of progress were reversed a trifle on Independence
Day, 1973, at the Robert Lyerly farm, on the Green Hill road, 2
miles South West of Mocksville, N. C.
The largest crowd ever to attend this reunion brought visitors
from many different states. An Antique car club brought several
superbly restored autos. They ranged in age from a very early Ford
There were 40 antique gas engines on display this year and most
were restored to like new condition and were running. Some supplied
power to machines, such as a wood saw, grist mill, or a washing
machine. Whenever possible, the shade trees were put to good use by
the gasoline engine owners and operators. The shade does come in
real handy during July in Carolina.
Those who brought in and operated gasoline engines were Bobby
Cartner, Woodleaf, N.C, Willard Moore, Jamestown, N.C, Bill
Grimley, Durham, N.C, Charlie Dyson, Statesville, N.C, Jeff
Hutchings Elizabethton, Tenn., Jimmy Garner, Richfield, N.C, Walter
Koontz, Welcome, N.C, Robert Sr., Robert Jr. and Robert Hammer 3rd.
of Conover, N.C, Robert Varner, Ashboro, N.C. Bill Payne, Madison,
N.C, Hoy Lee Tucker, Charlotte, N.C, Karl Seamon, Charlotte, and
John Klutz of Charlotte, N.C.
This year’s wheat supply was grown on the farm of Mr. Archie
Cline and was cut and bound by him. He made a couple of trips to
bring it to the reunion grounds. Mr. Cline and Bobby Miller, both
of (Gold Hill N.C, are the two main steam engineers and they come
up before show time to check over the engines completely as well as
all equipment to be powered by the steam engines. They, and Mr.
Lyerly always make sure there is ample wood for firing the engines,
wheat for threshing, logs for sawing, etc., and any repairs they
may need in the course of the activities.
Mr. Lyerly has also added a nice refreshment stand especially
for the threshing reunions. Mr. Lyerly puts in a lot of hard work
in getting the large tract of land in which the reunion is held on
in nice shape for this occasion. His work, of course, starts right
after the reunion as he gets things cleaned up and put away until
they start getting ready for the next one.
This years saw-milling was done by means of Mr. Lyerly’s 22
h. p. Keck Gonnerman traction engine pulling his 00 Frick sawmill.
Although Archie Cline and Bobby Miller were the main sawyers,
several sawmill men from the crowd took their turn at the
‘lever’; among them, Mr. Levi Trivet, a steam engineer and
owner of several fine steam engines.
Mr. Lyerly’s 16 h.p. Frick traction engine belted to his
22-36 Case wind stacker threshing machine did a fine job of
separating the wheat from the chaff. A portable hay baler, of the
hand operated wire tying variety was on display along with the
thresher; however, since no baling wire was found it was not
operated. It is hoped that it can be used on future
Several exhibitions of good belt power were given by means of a
40 h. p. Case steam traction engine pulling a Baker fan. This item
is a h.p. testing device and will load any, or just about any,
engine in general agricultural use. It has been found to put on a
little too much brakes for our gas engines.
Grist, just as fine as any ever seen, was made from corn by
Bobby Cartner’s 6 h. p. IHC cooperating with Robert Lyerlys
Meadows stone burr grist mill. The grist mill is a recent addition
to this reunion. We hope to find some good old fashioned corn for
next years grinding.
Due to the interesting demonstration by Robert Hammer of his
truck mounted 7 h. p. Economy engine and wood saw, there was an
abundance of slab wood sawed to the proper length for the steam
engines. There will even be a considerable amount left for next
year, (or for next steam up, probably right away!)
There were 10 kerosene tractors on display and several were very
nicely restored and running. They included an 18-32 K model Case,
an 18-28 Hart-Parr, a WD40 IHC Diesel, an F12 IHC, 3 U.S. built
Fordsons, one very nicely restored English Fordson, and two 10-20
McCormick Deering tractors. One of the 10-20’s was used for a
little log dragging and was also driven by some of the
There were several flea markets in operation throughout the day
and they had a very interesting and wide variety of items for sale.
We welcome the flea markets at this reunion, and anyone wishing
information concerning facilities, etc. at this reunion should
contact Robert Lyerly, box 402 A, Mocksville, N.C., or Gene L.
For their untiring help, both in preparation for this event and
in keeping activities going, especially food service, the sponsors
of the Mocksville Threshing Reunion wish to take this opportunity
to express their sincerest appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Lester
West, Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Broadway, Mr. and Mrs. William
Broadway, Margie Hellard and Ethel Private.
The sponsors of the Mocksville Threshing Reunion have enjoyed
preparing for and holding this annual Fourth of July event and we
are looking forward to seeing all our friends again next July, and
we hope they will bring all of their friends.