When the OLD STEAM AND GAS CLUB of New Concord was organized
some years ago little thought or consideration was given to the
possibility of stagine a reunion. Rather the club was organized
primarily to satisfy the interests of a small group. Like many
another group throughout the country these interests have ranged
machinery. After meeting for a period of around a year several
members of the club suggested the possibility of holding an annual
reunion. So three years ago the club held its first reunion. The
experience of this group has perhaps not been unlike that of other
groups, but the interest manifested by the people of this community
and surrounding communities was beyond the fondest expectations of
the members of the club. This year the reunion was held at
Bloomfield park on Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20. While our
show is a small one when compared with many of the other shows yet
the attendance was by far the largest of the three reunions held
thus far. In spite of the rainy weather the crowds surpassed all
anticipations of those who planned the reunion.
A Milwaukee binder was used to cut the wheat and it was shocked
by members of the club. Unfortunately inclement weather hampered
the threshing of much of the wheat. All of the threshing was
completed following the end of the show. The threshing was done
with George Richey’s Baker tractor and separator.
Five steam engines were in operation during the show: a Case, a
Frick, a Minneapolis and two Russells. The fans were in operation
almost constantly during the show. A groundhog thresher recently
acquired by the club was on display and attracted considerable
This report would be incomplete without the mention of two
additional features of this year’s show. On Friday night the
Cambridge barbershop quartette rendered an hour’s program
consisting of many of the old melodies familiar to many people.
Several hundred people listened to this program and apparently
enjoyed it very much. On Saturday night a pony pull attracted a
large crowd. There were twenty-three entries and the ponies came
from a widely spread geographical area. Those who were responsible
for the pony pull are cordially invited to stage another pony pull
next year.
The club is deeply appreciative and grateful to all who were in
attendance and manifested an interest in the show. It also wishes
to express its appreciation to all who exhibited machinery and
antique automobiles.
The OLD STEAM AND GAS CLUB takes this opportunity to extend a
cordial invitation to all of its friends to attend its fourth
annual reunion which will be held at Bloomfield park on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, July 30, 31 and August 1, 1964.