Alvordton, Ohio 43501
I was interested in the photo and article on the old rail fence
on page 45 of he Jan.-Feb. 1967 issue of IRON MEN ALBUM
I still have one on the back part of my farm although it is in a
run down condition, and 60 or 70 years old. Am enclosing a photo of
it. You asked for information on how they were built, and as I have
built them I will try to explain the procedure. The standard rail
was 11 feet long, generally made from black or white ash; some oak
was used but they were quite heavy to handle. Trees 12 to 14 inches
in diam. were the best size and they were quartered by splitting
with iron wedges and a maul
built them I will try to explain the procedure. The standard rail
was 11 feet long, generally made from black or white ash; some oak
was used but they were quite heavy to handle. Trees 12 to 14 inches
in diam. were the best size and they were quartered by splitting
with iron wedges and a maul