1511 Iglehart St. Paul, Minnesota 55104.
The Scott Carver show was held Sept. 25th and 26th at Jordan,
Saturday, the opening day, was marred by intermittent rain
showers which receded during the afternoon allowing some activity
to take place despite the threat of moisture laden clouds.
Five large steam traction engines beside one geared to a truck
chassis and a half-size 20 H.P. Case engine made up the heavier
steamers. Two small model steam engines were real attractive. The
largest one was belted to a small buzz saw.
Lumber sawing was in progress with Joe Selly of St. Peter,
Minnesota, furnishing the power with his trusty 22 H.P. Advance
engine. Usually Joe fires with straw, but this time he was burning
Other activity on this wet Saturday afternoon was a corn
shredding project in action. Powered by a 10-30 McCormick Deering
tractor, Ralph Kerkow was operating a 4-roll Rosenthall corn husker
and shredder.
Although the corn fodder had not dried much when taken from the
shock, the machine handled it, husking the ripe corn as it blew the
fodder in a pile.
Small gasoline engines were running, adding life to the
occasion. One cylinder engines from a 12 H.P. portable I.H.C. down
to one H.P. drew interested spectators.
I noticed two drag saws on the grounds. They are power driven
cross cut saws. The power furnished by a 2 or 2 H.P. gasoline
engine. Needless to say they were a far cry from the chain saws of
today, but they helped out forty or fifty years ago.
I met Mr. Herman Pieper who called my attention to machinery he
had on exhibit. He had a 4-roll Rosenthal shredder and a 28 x 46
Belle City thresher. Both were in fine condition with glistening
paint. However, his pride and joy is wrapped up in an
Allis-Chalmers 1927 model E, four cylinder 20-35 tractor, along
with his grand-nephew David Pieper, who operates it.
Mike Kovich of Jordan showed me a six-cylinder gas tractor which
he said was built by the Lauson Company for Nichols and Shepard. It
is on steel tires and has surplus power operating a 32 inch Nichols
and Shepard separator which Mr. Kovich owns.
Mr. Kovich told me it was about 1930 when Mr. Ted Hopster
purchased this tractor from an owner near Hudson, Wisconsin. Along
with the tractor he acquired a 36 x 60 Nichols and Shepard
Mr. Hopster moved the outfit, with the engine pulling the
separator, along roads from Hudson to Jordan, Minnesota. He drove
the outfit over the spiral bridge across the Mississippi River at
Hastings, Minnesota. The trip took three days. Mr. Hopster operated
this threshing rig in Jordan vicinity for many years.
Several makes of tractors were on display including a 30-60
Aultman and Taylor, a Nichols and Shepard and a Minneapolis and
Several threshing machines were on hand to carry on the
threshing on Sunday when the weather cleared.
Arthur Krueger of Belle Plain, Minnesota displayed a 12 H.P.
Russell engine which he restored. He also owns a 28 x 46
Minneapolis separator.
Florian C. Karl was on hand, running a 16 H. P. Advance
On Sunday, September 26, Robert Moody, sheriff of Scott County,
showed a fine team of registered Belgian mares. Fine horses always
add novelty to a show.
Marvin Boettcher is president of the ‘Scott-Carver Old
Threshing Bee’. Along with his committee he is to be
congratulated for putting on a fine show.