1511 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104
The Tenth Annual Steam Engine Threshing and Lumber Sawing Show
at St. Stephen, Minnesota, was held October 5th and 6th, 1974.
St. Stephen is fourteen miles Northwest of St. Cloud, Minnesota,
or twelve miles north of St. Joseph off Highway 52, and six miles
S.W. of Rice off Highway No. 10.
The site of the show is on the ‘Vouk Farm’; gates
opening at 9:00 o’clock. A parade of all rolling units,
comprising steam engines, tractors, antique cars, etc. took place
each day at 1:00 o’clock. Ten steam engines and fifteen gas and
oil tractors were on display.
Threshing was carried on with steam engines and gas tractors
furnishing the power. Besides grain threshing, activity such as
lumber sawing, a shingle mill, an old type hay baler, a hand feed
thresher, a giant wood splitter and a lathe mill drew interested
spectators. Clover hulling and corn shredding were in operation. A
model steam threshing rig was on display, and the ring of the
blacksmith’s hammer resounded from his shop. Wool spinning was
demonstrated. A 35 H.P. Engeco gas engine along with numerous gas
engines, antique cars and trucks helped make up the show.
One of the attractions is a 100 year old log house featuring all
of the conveniences of those days of long ago.
An Outdoor Field Mass scheduled for Saturday at 7:30 P.M. had to
be cancelled due to bad weather. The Mass was sponsored by Bishop
Trobec, Council of K.C.
TV star Tony Jambor with his accordion appeared on Sunday.
Another live musical attraction was ‘Jolly Jay’ and his
Refreshments and lunch were sold on the grounds. Although the
weatherman didn’t do too well this year by allowing wet chilly
weather to move in; the show went on as usual, and a lot of
satisfied people started for their cars when the show ended.
‘Vouk Farm’ will be ready for us in 1975, so let’s try
our best to get there.