By George Shepherd
Published on May 1, 1976
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Alex McKee of Hartley, Saskatchewan busily firing sheaves into the separator at the Milton, Ontario contest. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Box 1910, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Alex McKee of Hartley, Saskatchewan busily firing sheaves into the separator at the Milton, Ontario contest. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Box 1910, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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Adolph Russell of Lougheed, Alberta loads sheaves for the Western Team, while contestant judge, Allan Byers of Orilla, Ontario, checks on points. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Box 1910, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Adolph Russell of Lougheed, Alberta loads sheaves for the Western Team, while contestant judge, Allan Byers of Orilla, Ontario, checks on points. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Western Development Museum, Box 1910, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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SELF-STEERING THACTIN ENGINE Geared side showing Driving Shaft and Guiding Rod.
SELF-STEERING THACTIN ENGINE Geared side showing Driving Shaft and Guiding Rod.
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Two Xerox copies taken from a C & G Cooper catalog of 1887. This catalog was donated by Mark Hutton of Tennessee, a very valued friend of the Western Development Museum. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Ave. S., Saskatoon, Sask. Canada S7K
Two Xerox copies taken from a C & G Cooper catalog of 1887. This catalog was donated by Mark Hutton of Tennessee, a very valued friend of the Western Development Museum. Courtesy of George Shepherd, Box 1910, 2610 Lome Ave. S., Saskatoon, Sask. Canada S7K

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Perhaps our younger generation and the uninitiated might wonder
why all the interest and excitement over the setting up contests.
There is a very good reason for these competitions. In the early
days of steam threshing with a crew of up to 25 men, the only time
any money was made was when the grain bundles were actually going

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