Exhibitors, helpers and honored show officials from thirty
states and Canada were more than generous with their exhibits,
advice, know-how, can-do and unitive effort.
Nearly three hundred exhibiting families literally moved into or
near Cheraw; some for a few days, some for a week, and some for
several weeks.
They came to enhance and utilize a SPRING VACATION PLAYGROUND, a
playground, hobby oriented, to antique agricultural equipment
powered by steam, gas, water, wind, mule, dog, and Grandma.
Ninety-seven families brought temporary homes onto the grounds;
some campers, some tents and some of those big ‘Motorized
Apartment Houses.’
Sixty-five families filled Cheraw’s Motels. Motels in
Chesterfield, Bennettsville and Rockingham was ‘home’ for
others from afar.
Never before in the History of South Carolina has so much
Volunteer Talent assembled to play while building a playground.
The Spink’s, Dick, Irene, Gregg and Rick returned to Cheraw,
S. C. for Easter VACATION. Dick is President and MC of the popular
Western NY show. He also MC’s here and at Canadagia. This year
he ‘kinda’ wanted a taller speaker stand, and he
‘kinda’ wanted sewage to a certain camper spot, SPINK’S
SPOT. After procuring 4′ pipe from our JY he introduced sons
Gregg and Rick together with Royce Roberts (NY) to some shovels.
Within an hour they extended lines to ‘Spink’s Spot’
and ‘Robert’s Rotunda.’ Another visit by Dick to our JY
produced appropriate steel from which a two story speaker stand
(above) was so neatly assembled and in keeping with the gardens
that Margaret keeps it all year to fly the flag. No wonder the WNY
Association made him President. He ‘does things’ faster
than this learner dares ‘think things.’
Bus and Norma Longrod, NY, unload the first Models ever to
arrive in Cheraw (1970). His favorite is steam trains and steam
boats. To us. Bus is DEAN OF MODELS. He is Model Mgr. of Shows at
Alexander, NY, Canandagia, NY, Mead-ville. Pa. and Cheraw, S. C.
Our Model bldg. is Named LONGROD’S LOOKOUT. They are
VACATIONING Longer and are bringing son, Dana, and Norma’s
Mother to Cheraw’s Fourth Annual Apr. 27-28-29-’73. Picture
by S. C. Department of Parks, Recreation of Tourism, 1970.
Prior to Steam-up dates, always, FRI-SAT-SUN FOLLOWING EASTER,
TV Stations in both Carolinas televised our two, 30 Minute
Videotaped Color Programs. The Press arrived two weeks prior to
receive press material and a free dinner. We extend everlasting
gratitude for their splendid cooperation. From the High Peaks of
the Blue Ridge to the Sand Dunes of Kitty Hawk and the oyster beds
of Bulls Bay, spectators by the thousands came to see Buffs work
and play with Vintage equipment and to observe unequalled
Engine Running and other Exhibitors say they can keep themselves
fully entertained in Cheraw, and requested that we now provide
equipment and procedures whereby wives, daughters and sons can do
likewise. Spelled out; they said write a report putting ‘Women
and children first.’ So here we go, plowing New ground,
previous show reports provides no pattern.
We did find leads in some of the Association Publications and
wish to thank the Editors for focusing attention, and connecting
ENGINE RUNNING, hobby etc., with SPRING VACATION (family
Ross Calder, Editor of BOILER BULLETIN, Canada, writes ….
‘There was a good turn out of Canadians at Cheraw, S. C. in
April at Bob Rogers’ Antique Acres Show. Many of them like
myself, combining a holiday with a little hobby and getting the
season started early.’
Dorothy Smith, Editor of THE PIONEER ENGINE BUGLE, NY writes
‘For those of you who want to combine some engine doings with
an early SPRING VACATION, plan on attending the Steam-up at Antique
Acres, Cheraw, S. C.
Bus Longrod, Editor of FLY WHEEL NEWS, NY, writes ‘We are
eagerly awaiting to go down to Bob Roger’s place in Cheraw, S.
C. next April, and absorb some of that sunshine after a long
Winter. Hope to see you there.’
Ladies put emphasis on their VACATION HOME as well as their
So Mama camperites and Dad’s little eyeball; per Dad’s
order, emphasis has been placed on landscaped sites for your
VACATION HOME, your convenience, and your pleasure. Signs on Two
small rooms Located in the Mini-Museum read ‘Exhibitors
Dressing-Ladies’ and ‘Exhibitors Dressing-Men’.
Exhibitors staying at Motels therefore have special on grounds
The Roberts of NY returned for EASTER VACATION. After getting
Isabelle and son Royce settled, Don (Camper Mgr.) parked 97 campers
in 66 spaces. This increase was a welcomed surprise. Six campers
attended Cheraws first Annual in 1970. In ’71 there were 36. We
erringly landscaped for only 66 in ’72. Don Named his permanent
Cheraw campsite’Roberts Rotunda.’
Reserved camper space inside fence is solely for Exhibitors,
Helpers and Honored Show Officials. The Cheraw State Park has nice
camper facilities for spectators.
The Terrain; building locations, lakes, streams, water wheels
and especially Margaret’s Hundreds of Thousands of blooming
plants prohibits one big Camper area.
Well identified camper areas will expedite the locating of
reserved spaces, hopefully saving many steps for Don Roberts and
his helpers.
GASOLINE ALPINE (new for 73) adjacent to Gasoline Alley, water,
elec, flush & showers, 30 landscaped spaces.
RILEY’S RIDGE-Centrally located, elec, water, flush, 18
landscaped spaces (named for The Rileys, Md. Gas Mgr.)
MID WEST-(New for 73) water-elec.-chemical, 15 spaces.
JUNQUE JUNCTION adjacent to our Junk Yard, elec, water,
chemical, 10 Semi-landscaped spaces.
HELPER FLATS-adjacent to HELPER HQ & OFFICE. Hopefully
suitable to Exhibitors and to wives who help in the office, ticket
sales, registrations, etc. Elec, water, flush & showers, some
sewage hookups25 spaces. We hope Dot (Mrs. Vern Gardenier) NY and
Betty (Mrs. Ken Shultz) NY will insist on camping in HELPER FLATS.
These ladies effectively organized more ticket sellers, gate
watchers, office helpers, etc in three minutes than this Sandlapper
had in three years.
We hope Babe (Mrs. Milo Powers) NY will use our water powered
Sewing Machine (built in 1850 by inventor Howe) to sew some
‘light fall clothes.’ In trying to get Logs for his Saw
Mill (above) Milo fell from the tree and busted 10 ribs and a few
other bones scattered around.
Joe Hanson, a Fla. transplant, built that little working
Westinghouse Traction from photos he took during Cheraws April
’71 Show. This rebel was afraid to ask Dot (Mrs. Hanson) if she
got much grass cut during the crash construction period.
PRESIDENTIAL PLATEAU, hopefully for 36 Presidents and Honored
Show Officials. Elec, water, chemical (18 Campers and 18 Motelers
cars.) Each Associations’ exhibiting Members meet annually and
select Members that they think will work harder and longer (53
Weeks per yr.), and who has the know-how, can-do, etc. You call
your ‘selectees’ Presidents, VP, etc. We figure if
‘your selectees’ VACATION with us Long enough, some of
their planning, know-how, advice, etc. will rub onto us. You better
bet this Rebel with Limited Show experience and Limited local help
will reserve space for their Campers and Cars. You give them titles
up there, we respect those titles when they come here. Everybody
bring and wear your home show Buttons and Ribbons.
MISC. NOOKS-several small un-named landscaped nooks each
suitable for 3 to 6 self contained.
Don Roberts finds spaces we overlook.
THE ANNEX-(New 73) several acres, connected property, outside
fence, elec, water, chemical. Un-landscaped as of 73.
OFFICIALS, includes REGISTERED Attending Members of their
The key word is REGISTERED. To provide Equipment and Proceedures
for Wives, Daughters and Sons to entertain and be entertained we
need FAMILY REGISTRATION including Ages of Daughters and Sons.
Steam-ups are somewhat like Wars, it takes many workers in the
background to supply one shooting Soldier up front or one engine
runner up front.
Helpers, workers and family in the background receive identical
recognition buttons etc. as those that operate equipment. For
example; Lyle and Jean Stisser, brought daughters Bruce and Kathy.
Stickers on four identical oversize Buttons with Ribbons attached
Exhibitors Buttons are family addressed and serve to
differentiate between Exhibitors families and individual
Spectators. Bruce and Kathy demonstrated swimming, thereby
entertaining teenagers. Jean was Pool Watcher. These buttons work
wonders in that they instantly say ‘who is who’ &
therefore eliminate strangers among exhibitor’s families.
Exhibitors Oversize Buttons are used year after year. Clean
stickers and Ribbons are issued annually no charge. RE-Registered
Exhibitor and RV-Recreation Vehicle (Campers etc.)
We kinda Copied Model Security Procedure used at Alexander, NY.
Chicken Wire affixed to perimiter posts of the Model Shed will
exclude everyone other than in-sleeping Watchman after hours. A few
steel 5 foot high Postman’s package boxes can be used as
Lockers. Polyetheline Will be Sandwiched between Chicken Wire if
u-no-wat. Yawl bring’m all back. The South will rise again!.
Courtesy of Robert Rogers, Acres of Antiques, Cheraw, S. C.
Family addressed Exhibitors Buttons also do things beyond which
they were intended; things like …. a New Wife …. Charlie
Harrison from Scio, Ohio was being given ‘that look’ by
friends of Anna, his wife. His Family Addressed Button read: THE
HARRISONS, CHARLIE & HILDA. Hilda is Mrs. Charlie Harrison of
Fredericktown, Ohio. Both Charlies being Good Charlies rectified
matters by exchanging Buttons. The Scio Charlie is President of
Shows in New Athens and in Dover. The Fredericktown Charlie has
many Tractions and exhibits in the Darke County and Mansfield Show
The Camping Calders from Canada set up their self contained near
cypress lake, beyond water lines etc. Ross fired the Farquar,
Gladys (Mrs. Calder) recorded Models (about 200) while daughters,
Sandra and Lorre, probably demonstrated the Canadian Crawl in our
Spring fed swimming pool during Fridays (Not Sat.) 83 degree
sunshine. President Calder must caldron his exhibitors at Milton.
Barnum & Baileys high wire acrobats would take second place in
a precision and timing contest with The Big Tractions, the Big
Minnie, the many Mobile Exhibits and nearly everything at
Poppa’s said to entertain ‘women and children,’ so
what say Sandra and Lorre Calder from Canada, yawl team up with
Stisser Sisters, Bruce and Cathy (NY), the Bishop Sisters, Blair
and Cynthia (Va) and others to get swimming pool and other youthful
games started. We have some equipment but No Diving Board.
(Insurance Co. No No.) The Spring fed (no pollution) pool is 72
degrees year round. Pool is solely for those wearing Family
Addressed buttons as outlined herein. Pool depth tapers from 3 to 9
feet & Minors must have parents consent. OK Volunteers,
Supervisors are Needed for Games, registrars are Needed to List
‘all Members’ of Exhibitor families.
The HONOR ROLL is far from complete in ‘youth
The Names of all attending (entire exhibitors family) including
the ages of Minors is Necessary to accomplish what POP
What say Betty, you team up with Iowans’ Mary Ann, Mearita,
Mildred and Kathryn and take charge of one of four registration
booths. Bring your (Hawkeye) buttons, regalia, flags etc.
The Jones, Basil and Mary, Pa., SPRING VACATIONED on grounds 3
or 4 weeks during which time he Masterfully converted one of our
rusty piles of abandoned junk back to a smoothly operating Stanley
Steamer Mountain engine (30hp). Mrs. Mary was in charge of the
Mini-Museum and was responsible for many happy moments for would-be
buff widows.
They are Returning before Apr. 27-28-2S-’73. Basil will
restore our Delco’s while Mrs. Mary arranges many acquisitions
for the Mini-Museum.
Blair and Cynthia Bishop, Va. did not watt for others to provide
their ‘youth entertainment.’ They got Grandpa and Grandma
Bishop (Frank & Dover) Va. to bring this 1906 Stanley Steamer.
What say, does BISHOPS BIVOUAC Suit yawl Bishops as your
permanently named campsite? The sign man wants to paint before Apr.
27-28-29-73. Courtesy of Robert Rogers, Acres of Antiques, Cheraw,
S. C. 29520.
In reviewing and taking stock for this ‘women and children
first’ endeavor, the ‘why didn’t we’s’ flooded
‘Why didn’t we’ get Buff Widows to take turns
operating our electric golf cart and ride the physically
handicapped through the two miles of pathways lined with azaleas,
camaleas, dogwood, etc., that cross and re-cross streams and Lilly
Mrs. Bill Strayer (Verna) Pa. was in a wheelchair, Mrs. Titus
Brubaker (Erma) Pa. was using a cane, heart condition, etc.
prevented others from extended walking.
‘What say Mildred Ary, bring that Indiana shenanigled
publicity wagon back and ride physically handicapped Ladies down to
pan for Gold and Rubies?
‘Why didn’t we’ get those Quilting frames and
material out?
‘Why didn’t we’ …. do, all the things planned?
Wives will be provided operable Antique equipment to work with
as well as look at; WOW-LOOKOUT Grandma, bring your Monday wash day
clothes. Our Vintage operable devices includes washing machines
that are; water powered, gas powered, steam powered, dog powered,
and Grandma powered. Plenty hot and cold running water and hot
irons to actually wash and iron Grandma style.
Use our water powered sewing machine, made by Howe in 1840, to
Mend snags, or make a dress.
The media was executively represented; THE SCHOOL MARM’
(Mrs. Earlene Ritzman) publisher of IMA & GEM: Don and Judy
Knowles, publishers of E & E; Raymond Laisure, Stumptown
I know of no Christmas present that is appreciated more than
subscriptions to these magazines. It is like being on the
‘package opening’ end of six Christmases a year. What else
can one give, that can equal it at six times the cost. What better
way can the hobby be perpetuated than a subscription given to our
Dayton Nichols, (NY Buff Unlimited), Ernie Hoffer, Pres.
Ohio’s National Threshers, Martin Peterson, a Florida
transplant and many others sent pictures of exhibitors, helpers,
steam events and Garden Views (of our first two annuals) that
dictated our printing a Souvenir Album.
The Philadelphia Sunday Paper carried a half page Color Picture
of Bomar Water Gardens and in associating Steam power, headlined
the write-up FLOWER AND POWER DOWN IN DIXIE. We entitled the forty
pages of exhibitors, helpers, engines and Gardens FLOWER AND POWER
IN DIXIE. The front and back is an aerial photo of the 22 acres.
The price, $2.00 postpaid. We think you will like it, if not, write
us and your money will be refunded NO QUESTIONS. You keep the
Eighty-five year young Bert Messersmith along with 75 other
Snowbirds from Pennsylvania and Maryland welcomed Fridays 83
degrees when their buses arrived in nearby Florence. Then!
‘That Fateful Saturday.’ Thirty-three is ‘Don’t go
outside’ temperature in Cheraw. This was the third time in 28
years that after Easter coldness required ‘all day’ shoe
wearing. We mailed each a personal letter containing Group Photos
and a rain check. Shade temperature was 102 at Noon the following
Sat. Lets hope Dale and Ann Hempfing will be successful in getting
this group together again, and again and again.
We wish to thank the Publishers of IMA-GEM-E&E for their
We cannot be but Sad in that limited Media space precludes
writing 300 pages that individually compliments about 300
exhibitors and helpers.
Rit by a Rebel with orders to plow Newground.