Box 6411, Rochester, Minnesota 55901
On July 30, and 31, 1977, the Olmsted County Historical Society
and the Mechanical History Roundtable held their 3rd Annual
Threshing Bee. Despite threatening weather, a good crowd was on
hand both days to watch the gas tractors, stationary engines,
separators, and steam engines go through their paces.
On Saturday night, 300 people enjoyed a pig roast, a play: Ho!
For the Gold Fields, by the Vintage Vignettes, and some traditional
folk music by John Van Orman and Tim Kircher.
The Mechanical History Roundtable had over 60 exhibitors at the
show with approximately 150 pieces of equipment all in working
condition. This year the Historical Society planted a combination
of oats and wheat with a turn-of-the-century grain drill. The crop
was cut and bound two weeks before the show with a 1920s John Deere
traction binder and a 1930s McCormick Deering power binder.
This Historical Society wishes to thank everyone who was
involved with the show. Special recognition goes to Christy Peters,
Gale Martin, Brad Herman, and Lyle Sundry, who worked above and
beyond the call of duty.
The courtesy of The Olmsted County Historian, Volume 4, Summer,