YOUNG AND OLD STEAM fans and those just curious gathered around
the threshing demonstrations conducted September.-24th and 25th
under the supervision of the Illiana Steam and Hobby Club at the
sixth annual Prairie Farmer Farm Progress Show which is called the
‘World’s Fair of Agriculture’ held south of Brookston,
The members who furnished exhibits to thresh the wheat were:
Leonard Mann, 40 hp. Case; Glen Brutus, 18 hp. under mounted Avery;
Davis Sullivan, 9 hp. Case; John Sundquist, Keck-Gonnerman
separator. Those furnishing models were: Charles Jakes, test plot
thresher built for Purdue University; Robert Smith, engine and
water wagon, Ottawa corn sheller; Jay Penn, Reeves 4 hp and Reeves
hp; Carter Dalton, Case and water wagon. Walter Thacker attracted a
lot of attention with his 1910 Maxwell. Ernest Cox and his son
George helped engineer the show.
The threshing was a great contrast to the rest of the Show which
feature the latest machinery in action, the newest livestock and
poultry feeding equipment and 158 different kinds of hybrid corn
along with all kinds of fertility treatment.
Almost 200,000 attended the Show and about 400 Flying Farmers
flew in. Thousands went through the new split-level home completely
furnished. The women enjoyed the cooking demonstrations and style
Friends from many other Steam Clubs in other states came up to
the engines to visit. Camera fans were on top of all the trucks
taking pictures. The making of new steam friends and the renewing
of old friendships is half the fun. Rumor has said that the show
next year will be held in Iowa.
I think it would be appropriate if you would tell your many
readers about the article in the September, 1958 ‘Popular
Mechanics’ on page 105. The title is ‘Festival of The Iron
Men’. There are 10 pictures in color and 5 in black and white.
The photos are by A. M. Wettach and the article is written by
Clifford B. Hicks.
Every fan will want to keep this article in his collector’s