The reading of Bible prophecy, in both the Old and New
Testaments is as graphic as reading the front page headlines of the
newspaper today. That is why those who have read and studied
Biblical prophecy are able to take the often-too-distressing news
of things happening these days more in a matter of stride than
those who have not. For one can see all too frequently the mob
minorities at the most throwing rocks, rotten eggs, bricks, bottles
and bombs at the decent people of the world wherever there happens
to be a T-V screen. The student of Bible prophecy says to himself,
‘I’ve read all this was coming and now it is happening,
just as the Bible said. But the non-student who never took divine
prophecy seriously merely wrings his hands and moans,
‘What’s happening to this world of ours?’
Sacred scripture long ago said things would be happening as they
are. Men would become irreverent, puffed up, conceited, boastful
holding nothing sacred, not even God. Things and principles, long
established, would be toppled. The Bible described the utter
lawlessness and chaos of this age as a ‘time of great shaking
in the world like it never was before’. We see the dignity of
our elected President, the very structure of our government, our
campuses, our churches being challenged almost daily by irrascible
and unkempt youths who are too lazy to take a bath or shave let
alone get a hair cut or lace up a pair of shoes to hide their
filthy, grimy feet. Yet they scream obscenities, as if it were
wisdom, in the presence of business and legislative executives and
professional men who’ve doggedly steered a course from boyhood
failure to adult success merely because they were astute, held high
ideals and carved a future for themselves and their nation, under
God. They call this ‘innocent youth giving voice to its purest
ideals’. But the Bible calls it arrogance, boastfulness and
conceit an utter lacking in discipline, uprightness and the respect
for law and decency. Anyone who has ever witnessed the ugly
spectacle of defiant, longhaired youth rioting and bombing a
college campus, or a group of hippies jumping and screaming to
their raucous, insane so-called ‘music’ knows what the
Bible means when it says, ‘There will be a shaking in the land
like there never was before.’
It’s an ugly scene I’ve just described, but it’s
focused in all its cussedness on our front room television screens
every day to the extent that many believe there are no fine youth
left in our world. Yet the majority are fine, clean kids who go to
school and college simply because they feel the need for furthering
their education to become someday the leaders in our land. But we
never hear about the good and clean and studious ones because the
cameras and newspaper headlines are always pointed to the
sensational, the chaotic the ones who burn and bomb and even kill
their fellow men and desecrate their time-honored institutions
while they scream ‘peace, love and a better world for all
But the Bible says, ‘In that day they shall cry peace, but
there’ll be no peace.’ For men in those days shall seek to
solve their problems without God.
When I used to read Biblical prophecy, how the earth and the
waters would someday become barren and waste, I often asked the
question, ‘Why would God do that to us?’ But today, one of
man’s most pressing problems, outside of war, and its utter
destruction of life and civilization, is the dilemma of our
unbalanced ecology a veritable wasting of nature through an
imbalance caused by poisons created by man. Just today in the
newspaper I’ve been reading how a large dairy farmer, just
south of here, has become so ravaged by a poison chemical in the
paint that sealed the silos that the entire ‘herd of cattle had
to be destroyed to bring a stop to it all. The dairyman’s own
life and health, as well as that of his family was being threatened
with mysterious and unexplained illnesses. All had been in the
hospital, or were going to have to go for experimental treatment to
find out the source of the poison. The farmer, once a thriving
dairyman Who sold Grade-A milk throughout the area, even had to
pull down his silos and break up the concrete linings in an attempt
to stop the spread of the poison which would yet linger in the soil
about his place.
Men, in their scientific egotism today are experimenting with
death-dealing poisons, spraying their crops and their herds with
toxins that accumulate within living bodies and which eventually
reach the sea never to diminish or disperse. Only recently our
laboratories discovered that certain vitamins on the market were
dangerous to human health. Further studies in trying to locate the
cause led to a discovery that dangerous accumulations of chemical
poisons (Mercury to be exact) had ‘been found in the livers of
seals. The vitamins in question had to be recalled and destroyed to
protect human life from what was intended to be beneficial to human
Jach Costeau, the world’s most eminent explorer of undersea
life, has recently reported that the pollution by man has now
reached the depth and breadth of the world’s vast oceans.
When we visited the Percy Sherman household at Palmyra,
Michigan, recently, upon getting up early of a morning and going to
the fields I remarked how unusually crisp and clear the Michigan
air was how inducive it must be to one’s health. Yet Percy told
me of how the wildlife has almost been erased from that countryside
by pesticides.
‘There are hardly any birds left to keep the insects
down,’ said Percy. ‘The sprays and poisons and chemical
fertilizers have almost eradicated much of our beneficial
Thus, viewing prophecy in the present day perspective, one can
now understand that when the ancient prophets warned of the
land’s devastation, it would not be God’s doing, but
man’s. And it is. As Vice President of our Natural Food
Associates here, I have often led discussions, lectured before
groups and participated in round tables wherein was pointed out the
dangers of man-made chemicals and poisons. Twenty-five years ago
our laboratories told us that DDT would be a blessing. Now we see
its menace has accumulated from shore to shore and ocean to ocean.
Only a few years ago we were laughed at by the local health
officials for warning our fellow men about the dangers of man
poisoning both himself and the nature about him. People who
attended our Natural Food gatherings and heard our arguments
against the wanton use of chemical poisons actually called us
‘a bunch of nuts.’ But today mankind sees the red light
flashing. Ecology has become the big subject putting teeth in the
law. The life of humanity and the nature about it has become
menaced to the point of almost extinction lest man mend his ways
and once again learn to live by the laws of creation.
When the subject of adding fluoridation to our city water
recently came up, it was our little Natural Food Associates
organization which saved the day by bringing the problem to a vote.
Had we not passed petitions, calling for a referendum, we would
have had just one more poison added to our public water supply
without our having anything to say. But we organized and alerted
the public. I was called upon to write articles for the papers, and
tape speeches for the radio, also1 ads warning of what the poison
of fluorine could do to the health of the community. The dentists
and health department were lined up against us, pleading for
fluoridation to prevent tooth decay in the youth. But we got all
the facts from other eminent physicians and lab technicians,
warning that the presence of chemical fluoride in the public water
causes serious bladder deterioration and brings on painful joints
to older folks.
In my articles I added other evidences that I had gathered, and
in addition I decried the fact that our little children who once
drank fresh cow’s milk to build good dentures had now traded
that blessed custom in favor of carrying around bottles of cola
which they sucked on all day. Kids going to school were spending
their lunch money which would provide them with a well-balanced
meal, for chewing gum and candy that they intended chewing in class
when teacher’s back was turned. I reminded the public that the
sugars in such things were the real culprits that rotted the teeth
of our growing children something that dentists often will
belatedly tell you after they’ve extracted your last molar.
‘You might still have your i teeth i had you not eaten so much
candy and drank so much soda pop.’
Some sharp charges were exchanged, I’m afraid, between our
Natural Food organization members and the local health department
and dental association. But the naturalists and concerned citizenry
came to the rescue and defeated the addition of poisonous fluoride
to our public water almost four to one.
Our little Natural Food organization is no longer laughed at as
being crazy. And we are now living in times when it is also unwise
to laugh at or ignore the eternal warnings of man’s ways as
prophesied in the Bible.
We are for health. But we believe in attaining and maintaining
health by the divine laws of nature by good and Wholesome food
aided and abbetted by the correct and wise use of God-given herbs
and medicines not the use of poisons that kill in the name of
And we declare our faith in the Divine Wisdom that created man
and the plants and creatures about him in a delicate balance known
only to God. In our pretense to education we lack wisdom,
sacrificing life and health to the good of our own egotism. In our
pretense of religious ritual we ignore God, sacrificing peace of
mind for the garbage of a cluttered, chaotic world.
Let us return to the neglected pages of Divine Wisdom and clean
this mess up!
And now I’ll end on a sweeter note by inserting this health
gem. You who suffer so from that annoying nose and throat condition
called sinus start including comb honey in your daily diet and see
what happens. Don’t ask me how, but the chewing of comb honey
works wonders in healing the inflamed head and nasal passages that
cause the mucous blockage.
And for those Who feel overweight and suffer the usual digestive
troubles remember, the mouth is like a gas engine carburetor. When
the mixture’s too heavy and over-rich, the old engine putters
around at only half its horsepower. One day a week of fasting is
good for the cleaning out of the digestive tract and stomach. Eat
only some comb honey on that day, drink water and fruit juices,
possibly some bullion broth but no solid foods. But it’s better
to do it on a day of rest. You’ll feel much better the rest of
the week for giving your system a chance to clean out and catch
A famous English veterinarian tried it on several hundred cats,
dogs, monkeys and other pets he was commissioned to take care of
during the World War II London Blitz. He said it improved the
well-being and health of all the animals and that humans would
benefit likewise. My wife and I both tried it ,and felt much
better, although I was fool enough to go on working on that empty
stomach, which I shouldn’t have.
You’ll feel sweeter by including honey-in your diet. And now
how’s that for closing on a real sweet note?