It was nice getting to The National Threshers at Wauseon, Ohio,
once again. There were the old friends as well as the new ones to
meet. Being the Silver Anniversary, there were the additional
ceremonies, the wrestling with problems of electing a new
president, vice president and secretary to take over the reins so
capably handled by the LeRoy Blakers for a quarter of a century.
for whom a very impressive cake had been baked with a Port Huron
Engine adorning the center of the top icing. Many and long were the
handshakes, the well-wishes, the years of happy memories from the
folks who’d come from many states to attend and pay their due
Then, too, there stopped by those who’d remembered the
article about the sea salt and wanted to tell us it was doing them
some good already. But one of the happiest occasions was the
Editor-Chaplain, Elmer Ritzman and party who made it again, as
promised, and had already set up their Album stand beside us. We
never argue, but just visit and let the world pass us by while the
aroma of engine oil and coal smoke perfume the atmosphere.
I asked Elmer if he got a good whiff of steam engine smoke and
oil and he said, ‘Yes I did. If I hadn’t I’d have
probably died.’
Noteworthy was 85 year old Mr. Coonrad of Iowa a well-known
fixture around the Mt. Pleasant Reunion who said the sea salt was
making him feel better and was so glad he was able to make the trip
to Wauseon for the Silver Anniversary. How I later regretted not
taking a picture of this rugged and outstanding old Iron Man for a
future write-up. But so many things were transpiring at once, we
had to do just what we were able in the few days we had.
Iron Man Coonrad said he just had to come and smell the steam
engine smoke, once again.
‘When I get too old to go to these reunions, I’ll just
pour some engine oil and wood ashes in a pan and heat them on a
stove so I can enjoy the aroma,’ is the way Iron Man Coonrad
said it.
I went fortified with ten boxes of the sea salt, just in case an
old friend or some reader stopped by and wanted to know where to
get some. The tax man needn’t bother his head, for what salt
went over the counter was given away not charged for.
Then there were my good friends, Carlton Weisel and Sam Schnurr
who always head up the steam and gas engine model department at
Wauseon each year. Weisel wouldn’t dream of tasting the sea
salt (I saved money here). He prefers getting his ‘sea
water’ it seems out of his fish aquarium. (Yuk!) But Sam
Schnurr latched onto a couple of boxes. Sam’s quite interested
in health foods, herbs and anything for feeling better.
It was of no little interest to me to have Sam relate his
winter’s experience with high blood pressure. Seems he had been
reading those herb books again for tonics to perk him up a bit and
be well enough to attend the Silver N. T. A.
‘My blood pressure was well over the 200 mark,’ says
Sam. ‘But in one of my books I read where a teaspoon of cane
syrup (not corn syrup) and three teaspoons of lemon juice, taken in
a glass of hot water before each meal can cure high blood pressure
soon. The doors and windows of my room were whizzing around my head
in circles, I was so bad.’
Well, in but two months, Sam’s blood pressure was down to
155, and he was feeling fit again. Now that he’s well, he just
takes the cane syrup, lemon juice and hot water three or four times
a week to keep in shape. Nice going, Sam, and thanks for the
suggestion. Others might try this, for no harm could be done and
certainly some good.
My wife and I have been reading books from the Association for
Research and Enlightenment, an institution dedicated to
interpreting the many cases of healing attributed to Edgar Cayce
years ago. One of the reports explains that Edgar Cayce revealed
years ago that, if a person would eat five amonds (skins on) each
day, it would prevent a person from developing tumors in the body.
Cayce attributed it to the latrile element that was in the almonds.
This is also available in the eating of apricots. Now, some forty
years later, medical science is reported working with the same
ingredient, latrile, in experimenting on the healing and control of
cancer. Certainly five almonds a day would be very pleasant as a
remedy would do no; harm, and might do much good. It’s easily
worth trying and keeping at it.
An acquaintance well-known for his knowledge of herbs once told
me that tea made up from the leaves of the blue violet plant would
heal cancer. He said it contained natural potassium, and that
cancer cells couldn’t live in natural potassium. My friend told
me that the tea should be made fresh every couple days from the
leaves of the blue violet plant, then stored in the refrigerator.
Every time a person that is afflicted needs a drink just drink the
green tea instead of water or any liquid.
The same subject came up with Sam Schnurr, and he reported
reading of the same remedy, curing cancer by tea from blue violet
leaves, in several of his herb books.
Every other day make new tea, keep it in the refrigerator and
keep drinking it instead of any other liquid. The body will become
saturated with natural potassium. These are all foods natural foods
and harm no one, but can be of great benefit to those who keep
trying them. A healthy body can eradicate most diseases. The body
is our greatest healer, if it is kept healthy, so says my old
friend, Dr. Wilbur K. Bond of Greensfork, Indiana.
Man has many wonderful things that are his for the asking, if
only his knowledge can decipher the mysteries of nature around us.
Health should be free to everyone. People are born into this world
with an unwritten promise of life, well-being and health. Good
health and healing of disease should be as free as the air we
Whenever Jesus, or the disciples or the apostles healed anyone,
it was free and they were made whole. Many times as I’ve read
the scriptures, I’ve thought how wonderfull it must have been
for some blind man, or crippled person, to see or to walk and the
bill for new health was merely a blessing and an admonishment to
live right from then on. Modern psychologists and psycho analysts
are realizing more and more that deep-set guilt-complexes, hatred,
prejudice, envy and a host of other mental maladjustments are
deep-set not only in the mind, but also the soul. Jesus never
healed a person without saying, ‘Thy sins be forgiven,’ or
‘Go and sin no more.’
When I was a school kid, I used to enjoy reading the Bible,
especially The New Testament. Then for years I neglected reading it
and it seemed that, during those years, I just couldn’t get
anywhere in life. But the Bible is a great book to read all through
life. It reveals how good people tackled great problems much like
the very problems we face every day and every year of our own
lives. But so many seem only to read it when faced with trouble.
Later I began reading the Bible more again, and enjoying it,
although my adult mind didn’t seem to understand it as well as
when I was just a boy. An adult questions things more. A child
believes easier. Jesus said, ‘Father, thou has kept the meaning
of this from the wise, and revealed it unto babes.’
I am reminded of that great parable Jesus told about the
prodigal son.
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a son who requested his
portion of his father and left home, spending years in riotous
The son got so low that, one day when he was feeding the swine
for his employer, he was so hungry he felt like eating the very
husks that were being thrown to the stock. Then his senses returned
to him. He felt he would be much better off if he returned to his
father’s household and was merely an employee out in the
fields. But when he returned, his father espied him coming in the
distance, and ordered the fatted calf to be fetched and a great
celebration. He placed his ring upon his son who had returned.
Another son who had stayed all the years with his father became
‘I remained home and served you all these years while my
brother spent his life in riotous and wicked living, and now you
make a great feast for him,’ this son said.
But his father replied, ‘You have had my blessings all these
years, but this, my son who was lost and is now found has returned
and made my heart glad.’
The story reminds us that it is never too late to return from
whatever kind of life we’ve been living, and to begin living
right from now on. The good Christian people will welcome us,
whatever we’ve done and regardless of how long or how low
we’ve gone. All will be forgiven and we’ll be treated even
better than those who’ve spent their whole lifetimes in church
pews and telling others how to live. It!s worth trying. And the
change can go a long way to healing what ails us, either in mind,
soul or body.