Tractor Farming in the 1920s

Reader Contribution by Sam Moore
Published on June 7, 2012
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I recently came across an article in the October 24th, 1925, Pennsylvania Farmer about the use of tractor power on a Pennsylvania livestock farm. The story described the tractor’s use on the 350 acre Greer Stock Farm in Lawrence County (not far from where your humble correspondent grew up) and mentioned that the tractor operator’s name was George Hackathron, although the make of the machine was never revealed.

The author points out that the tractor has been worked into the general farming scheme along with the draft horses. Some jobs were done entirely by the tractor, but on others it was sent into the field with the horses and was used “… merely as a supplementary form of power.”

The tractor was used “… in tillage work, for plowing, discing and harrowing land before the crops are put into the ground. It pulls two fourteen-inch plows without difficulty. The land on the farm is generally rolling and the tractor seems to have no difficulty in negotiating the hills.”

The article goes on to say, “But the work of the iron horse is not limited to tillage operations by any means. At wheat cutting time the tractor is hitched to a seven foot grain binder and there it has been found to work splendidly during the long hot days of harvest. There is no necessity for changing teams in the middle of the day.”

At haying time the tractor pulled the hayloader and wagon around the field “…at a pretty good rate of speed and loads a wagon in a very few minutes.” Horses were used for hauling the loaded wagons to the barns, but the speed of loading was said to be “…a mighty valuable thing when there are storm clouds gathering and a lot of hay is still on the ground.”

The Greer farm had its own twenty-two inch threshing machine which was powered by the tractor. This job could thus be done at the “… time when threshing should be done in order that the grain can be put into the bins in the best of condition …” without having to wait on the busy custom thresherman.

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