2nd Annual Wine Country Truck & Tractor Pull – June 30th
Full Throttle Fun! Saturday, June 30
2nd Annual Wine Country Truck & Tractor PullĀ
Modified and Mini Tractors | Local Truck & Tractor Pull Competitions | Food, wine, beer and live music!
presented by Napa County Farm Bureau
Napa, CA – The world’s oldest and most powerful motorsport is returning to Wine Country on Saturday, June 30!
Presented by the Napa County Farm Bureau (NCFB) in association with the Pacific Tractor Pullers Association, it’s full throttle ahead with front tires popping wheelies as some of the state’s most qualified tractor drivers return to compete to pull the heaviest load farthest on a 300-foot track at the Napa Valley Expo, located at 575 Third Street in Napa.
A free Custom & Classic Car Show has been added, which begins at 11am. The gates open to the arena for the Tractor Pull at 3pm with live rock country music by Clayton Andrade and the first pull at 5pm.Ā In addition to the Local Stock Class and Modified Tractor Class competitions, an Antique Tractor Class will also compete this year. And children under 5 years old can test their skills with a kiddie pull contest.
The Modified Tractor Classes competing for the $10,000 purse are 2000 lb mini class; 2050 lb modified mini class; 5800 lb single engine modified class; 7200 modified class; 8000 unlimited class; and 6300 modified 4×4.
Local Stock Classes will compete in 3 weight classes. 4500 class, 5500 class and 6500 class. The Diesel Class includes competition in 3 classes, all weighing 8000 lbs. 1st class is Stock; 2nd class is Super Stock; and 3rd class is Modified.Ā There will be 1st and 2nd place trophies for each of these classes. Entry fee is $40 per vehicle which includes pit pass for the driver, pit passes may also be purchased for a maximum of 2 crew members per entry for $20 each.Ā Scales open at noon – Stock classes should enter at that time.
Custom & Classic Car Show: 11am
Gates open: 3pm
First pull: 5pm
Local Tractor Pull Competition (4×4 stock trucks; $40/truck): scales open at noon
$20 in advance | $22 at the gate
$16 Youth | $18 Youth at the gate (16 & under)
Children 5 and under are FREE
Box Seats (limited)/pit passes $40
Cost of admission includes free parking, a free Kiddie Pull, the Custom and Classic Car Show and live music by Clayton Andrade.Ā Food, beer, and wine are available for purchase.Ā
Online:www.winecountrytractorpull.com | by phone: 707-224-5403 or at any one of these locations:
Les Schwab Tires, 830 W Imola Ave, Napa, CA
NCFB, 811 Jefferson St, Napa, CA
Napa Valley Expo, 575 Third St, Napa, CA
Napa Valley Expo Fairgrounds
575 Third St, Napa, CA
Free parking!
A benefit for: Napa County Farm Bureau, Young Farmers & Ranchers, Napa and St. Helena FFA, and Napa County 4-H clubs
Sponsored by:
Byron’s Auto Body, El Avisador, Green Valley Tractor, KVON/99.3 the Vine, Markstein Beverage Company, Napa Valley Register, Les Schwab Tires, The Doctors Company, Euro-Machines, Gamble Family Vineyards, Hudson Ranch, Robert Green & Associates, LH’s Speed & Machine Shop, Novavine, Pina Vineyard Management, Rental Solutions, Bert Williams and Garton Tractor
See the website forimages and history of tractor pulling. Click here for a PDF version.
Press Contact
Sandy Elles: selles@napafarmbureau.org, 707.224.5403
Napa County Farm Bureau | 707.224.5403 | napafarmbureau.org |Ā CalendarĀ