“GATHERING” REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Register now for the 2016 Gathering of the Green. Workshops, Vendors, Speakers, Trips/tours, Displays, Opening Night Reception, Fun Auction & Banquet with keynote speaker.
To register, go to www.gatheringofthegreen.com and click on 2016 Registration. Follow the instructions and before you know it, you’ll be all set for the premier conference dedicated to John Deere antique tractor enthusiasts everywhere. As one gentleman stated, “It was very easy – even for me – got almost immediate confirmation. Smooth as glass.”
Be sure to review all of the information on the website before you register.
• For questions about the “Gathering” program, contact, or being a vendor, email: info@gatheringofthegreen.com or call or text 563-886-7383.
• If you need help with the online registration process, call our partners at the Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau and ask for Lynn, Joan, or Dan. Call 800-747-7800 Monday-Friday between 7:30AM-4:00PM CST. If you are unfamiliar with a computer consider contacting a friend or family member to help with the easy online process.
Another longtime attendee says, “Can’t wait for March or to see all that you do. Each year I say it can’t be as good as last year – but it always is.”