Sooner or later, chances are you’re going to run into that job that your tractor can’t perform, even with traditional implements. And that’s the day when you’ll want to give the Bucketeer a hard look.
“The reason for the Bucketeer’s existence is simply that the tractor could not perform the task that we needed to do with traditional implements,” explains owner David Kidwell. “Bucketeer implements take the tractor far beyond its traditional basic functions to perform a multitude of tasks, saving time, money and anxiety.”
An implement designed to transform the sub-compact or compact tractor “into a virtual Swiss Army knife of productivity,” the Bucketeer (patent pending) will fit most tractors regardless of age and will even fit the newer quick-release buckets on the market today.
The Bucketeer’s implement adapter bar has four receivers that house traditional and nontraditional implements. The base unit comes with 32-inch utility forks, the most versatile implement in the lineup. All other implements — hayfork, trailer dolly, grapevine extractor, roller, utility crane and landscape comb — attach to the base unit.
For more information: call (254) 640-5014; email:; view the product in a video online at