Save the dates for the 2016 Gathering of the Green. Displays always complement the workshops, vendors, speakers, trips/tours and banquet. 2016 will be no different. How about a display of the famous 1966 John Deere Power Train as it traveled across the USA loaded with the The Long Green Line? How about a vintage John Deere dealer display you would see at a county fair in the late 1930s and early 1940s? John Deere snowmobiles as well as special tractors and implements will on be on display throughout the RiverCenter. And see the anvil and John Deere plow which mirrors the 2016 theme, “Forge to Farm” to be showcased in the main concourse. Display plans continue to develop.
Follow the Gathering Facebook page for more updates and see the Gathering website at, e-mail, or call/text Gathering for more information at 563-886-7383. The dates are March 16-19, 2016. As one attendee has said, if you haven’t attended a Gathering, you don’t want to miss the next one.