Hand-me-down is a family treasure

By Sam Parker
Published on March 9, 2021
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by Sam Parker

I really do enjoy your magazine and especially your articles about old pieces of equipment and tools. In the January 2021 issue, you had a picture of a corn cutter which reminded me that I probably had access to one too. It was a hand-me-down from family members. It has a frame on which it stands on its own, eliminating the need for a shelf or bench to set it on. I had never seen another one of these until I saw the picture in your magazine. Thank you for inspiring me to acquire this family treasure.

Sam Parker via email

Editor’s note: Bill Olin, Nineveh, New York, sent photos of his chopper: “Mine uses a heavy flywheel to maintain momentum,” he says. “It also has feed rolls to push the corn stalks through. It is mostly original except for the stainless steel slide under the knife.”

 Send letters to: Farm Collector Editorial, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609 • fax: (785) 274-4385 • email: editor@farmcollector.com • online at: www.farmcollector.com

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