Breaking Records at Rock River

By Jerry Schleicher
Published on February 23, 2009
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Twenty-nine vintage threshing machines were put through their paces at the Rock River Thresheree August 2008. Fading paint on the machines’ windstackers shows manufacturers’ names.
Twenty-nine vintage threshing machines were put through their paces at the Rock River Thresheree August 2008. Fading paint on the machines’ windstackers shows manufacturers’ names.
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A labyrinth of belts connects separators and steam traction engines.
A labyrinth of belts connects separators and steam traction engines.
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An amazing line-up of working vintage threshing machines.
An amazing line-up of working vintage threshing machines.
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Putting the belt on a Nichols & Shepard steam traction engine.
Putting the belt on a Nichols & Shepard steam traction engine.
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On the job during the record-breaking threshing operation at Rock River. More than 200 people were involved in the effort.
On the job during the record-breaking threshing operation at Rock River. More than 200 people were involved in the effort.
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A scene from the Rock River Thresheree near Edgerton, Wis. Running the thresher’s blower was a notoriously dirty job, as the air filled with straw and chaff.
A scene from the Rock River Thresheree near Edgerton, Wis. Running the thresher’s blower was a notoriously dirty job, as the air filled with straw and chaff.
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Panoramic view of record-setting steam threshing at Rock River.
Panoramic view of record-setting steam threshing at Rock River.

Put one vintage threshing machine to work at an antique farm equipment show or county fair, and you have a guaranteed crowd pleaser.

Fire up 29 of them at one time, and you have the makings for a threshing event that will go down in the annals of agricultural history.

That’s precisely what the members of Rock River Thresheree Inc. accomplished last Aug. 30, when they started up a ring of 29 separators powered by 28 steam traction engines and one gas-powered tractor, followed by a second ring of 29 vintage gas-powered tractors and separators.

Thousands of people, along with print and broadcast media, turned out to witness the record-setting event held at the club’s Threshermen’s Park in south central Wisconsin near Edgerton. Club member Lori Niemuth says the event set a record for the most separators, the most steam traction engines and the most gas tractors threshing at one time.

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