Photographs and Memories

Reader Contribution by Leslie Mcmanus
Published on October 26, 2009

Eleven years ago, my youngest son – then 10 – made his first visit to an antique tractor show.

For two days, he had the run of the show grounds. He was a frequent flier on the steam locomotive, stood in the front row for every equipment demonstration he could find, delighted in the shoot ’em up Wild West show and sampled cream sodas, root beer and fresh lemonade with wild abandon.

In his pocket was a disposable camera with which to record his adventures. On one shot, I was the photographer: Wearing a huge grin, he posed in front of a 110 hp Case’s big back wheel, his head not quite reaching the wheel’s top edge, arms stretching out to trace the span of spokes.

The image is etched in my memory but not in his, for boy and camera became separated soon after. We retraced steps, we checked lost-and-found and followed up days later, but the camera was never seen again. And so it is with photographs: They capture a moment, but are ever after vulnerable to any number of mishaps. As a photographer, I have learned the hard way. The images that are most important to me are the ones I work the hardest to imprint upon my memory.

Perhaps you had better luck with your camera this show season. If so, send your favorite shots of equipment, demonstrations and collectors to Farm Collector! We’ll print the best of the bunch in our annual Show Photo issue (February 2010). It’s a terrific way to spread the word about your club’s show, share a one-of-a-kind display or lend a new perspective to old iron.

While Nov. 2 was the original deadline, we’ve extended the deadline to Nov. 20 for photos submitted by e-mail. We’ll publish as many as we have space for. Please send high quality digital images. Low-resolution digital photos do not reproduce well and will not be accepted.

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