July 13, Lebanon. Quinebaug Valley Engineeers Assn. Collectors of Engines, Tractors & Machinery Show and Swap Meet. Lebanon Fairgrounds on Mack Rd., joins Routes 87 and 207. Contact: Alan Kolar, (860) 450-0440; Mark Maikshilo, (860) 887-1094; Paul Towne, (860) 848-3921.
Aug. 8-10, Millsboro. Big Thursday Festival and Car Show. Little League complex on State St. Contact: Bill Warner, P.O. Box 70, Rehoboth Beach, DE19971, (302) 226-2339.
Aug. 17-18, Idaho Falls. American Heritage, Antique Farm and Equipment Show. Northeast from Idaho Falls, take Hwy. 26 toward Jackson Hole, Wyo., five miles to 81st North, then southeast 1 /3 mile to site. Contact: D.J. Baisch, (208) 525-2071; e-mail:
June 29-30, Sandwich. Sandwich Early Day Engine Club 31st Annual Gas Engine Tractor and Toy Show. Sandwich Fairgrounds. Contact: Scott Larsen, (815) 496-2518.
July 5-7, Bradley. Thee Olde Farm Show. David Bradley Collectors and Cruz Nite IV, Perry Farm Park. Contact: George Bingley, 3104 E. 1000 N. Rd., Kankakee, IL 60901; (815) 9317-4456;
July 12-14, Altamont. 21st Annual Millroad Thresherman Show. Effingham County Fairgrounds. Contact: Allen Bandelow, R.R. 1, Box 39, Mason, IL 62443; (618) 483-5201.
July 18-21, Wilmington. 40th Annual Will County Threshermen’s Reunion. Bums Woods, on Route 102,1 mile north on Mary Byron Rd. Contact: Robert Satterlee, (815) 467-6303;
July 19-21, Charleston. 4th Annual Eastern Illinois Antique Farm Equipment Club Show. Coles County Fairgrounds, comer of State and E St., Wes Route 316. Contact: Bill Coffey, (217) 232-8331, (217) 349-8204; Jim Newby, (217) 345-4217, (217) 232-4218; Ray Muessman, (217) 345-3797, e-mail:
July 19-21, Boswell. 21st Annual Antique Power Exhibition. 8 miles south, then east on Warren Co. Rd. 650. Contact: Ed Grubb, (765) 793-3282 (days), (765) 793-2001 (eves.); John Dillman, (765) 385-2908. E-mail:
July 20-21, Rockford. Vintage Tractor and Toy Show. Midway Village Museum Center, 6799 Gilford Rd. Contact: Tari Rowland, (815) 397-9112, ext 106.
June 30-July 6, Peru. Pioneer Power of North Central Indiana and Miami County 4-H Fair. Contact: Joe Comerford, (765) 472-1378; Jodie Comerford-Schmitt (513) 923-9668 (fax); e-mail:
July 19-21, Boswell. Illiana Antique Power Assn. Club 21st Annual Antique Power Exhibition. Show grounds in the Pine Creek Valley, 8 miles south. Contact: Richard Fontaine, 2950 U.S. 52 W., West Lafayette, IN 47906; (765) 463-9505; e-mail:
Aug. 2A, Mt. Vernon. Keck-Gonnerman Antique Assn. 12th Annual Show. Posey County Fairgrounds, Hwy. 69,12 miles north of Mt. Vernon. Contact: Don Julian, 5480 Lower Mt. Vernon Rd., Mt. Vernon, IN 47620; (812) 838-4818; Jeff Sailer, (812) 783-2901.
Aug. 2-4, Rushville. Pioneer Engineers Club 54th Annual Show. Contact: Roman Hood, 1228 N. Fort Wayne Rd., Rushville, IN 46173; (765) 432-3624.
Aug. 8-11, LaGrange. Northeast Indiana Steam & Gas Assn. 21st Annual Show. 4-H Fairgrounds. Contact: Jim Eberly, 401 S. Sherman St, LaGrange, IN 46761 ;(219)463-3639.
Aug. 15-18, Greensburg. Power of the Past. Decatur County Fairground, 1-74 to 346 Bypass. Contact: Dale Wilson, (812) 663-9224; Don Herbert (camping), (812) 663-4396.
June 15-16, Homestead. Allis-Chalmers Days 10th Annual Tractor & Machinery Show. One of the Amana Colonies. Contact: Dennis Potter, 4610 S. Curtiss Rd., Stockton, IA 61085; (815) 947-9881; e-mail:
June 29, Downey. ‘Once Upon a Farm’ Celebration at the Secrest 1883 Octagonal Barn. From Iowa City, 5 miles east on Hwy. 6, north on Oasis gravel and east on Osage.. Contact: Rich Tyler, (319) 643-7360 (evenings), (319) 356-2471 (days); e-mail:
June 29-30, Mason City. Van Horn Museum Auction. 2 miles north on Hwy. 65. Exit on 1-35 at milepost 197, then east 8 miles on B-20, left one mile on Hwy. 65. Contact: Nixon Auction, P.O. Box 531, Wakefield, NE 68784; e-mail: dcsimpsoni
July 14, Forest City. Heritage Park of North Iowa Farm Heritage Days. Contact: Jerred Ruble, 754 342nd St., Hanlontown, IA 50444; (641) 797-2697; e-mail:
Aug. 3-4, Fredericksburg. 4th Annual Northeast Iowa Antique Engine & Power Show. Fredericksburg Industrial Park, on Iowa Hwy. 18, east edge of town. Contact: Chuck Stone, 402 Birch Dr., P.O. Box 264, Fredericksburg, IA 50630; (563) 237-5891.
Aug. 23-25, Cedar Falls. Hart-Parr/Oliver Collectors Assn. 12th Annual National Summer Show. Held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Antique Acres Old Time Power Show. North off U.S. 218. Contact: Kent and Lisa Aschenbrenner, (319) 476-4116; Andy Willenborg, (563) 921-4275; Mike Kalsem, (515) 597-3142.
July 13-14, Bonner Springs. Greater K.C. Two-Cylinder Club Farm Heritage Days. Contact: The National Agriculture Center & Hall of Fame, 630 Hall of Fame Drive, Bonner Springs, KS 66012; (913) 721 -1075;
Aug. 2-A, Coessel. Kansas Red Power Roundup. Contact: Dan Dennett, 11236 SW 200th St., Douglass, KS 67039; (316) 746-2593.
May 1 -Oct. 1, Coopersville. Coopersville Farm Museum. Contact: The Coopersville Farm Museum, 375 Main St., Coopersville, Ml 49404; (616) 997-8555; e-mail:
June 20-23, Ionia. Ionia Farm Power Steam & Gas Show. Contact: Gale Wing, (616) 527-1310; e-mail:
July 19-20, Allendale. Riverbend Steam and Gas Assn. Show. Lee Scholma Farm. Contact: Rick Gilder, (616) 878-0846.
July 19-21, West Branch. Pioneer Power of West Branch 9th Annual Show and Swap. 4-1 /2 miles east on M-55. Contact: Ed Kinch, 401 Annie St., W. Branch, Ml 48661; (989) 345-2792; Allen Philbrick, 4019 S. Stark Rd., W. Branch, Ml 48661; (989)345-3815.
July 26-28, Big Rapids. Big Rapids Antique Farm & Power Club 4th Annual Antique Tractor & Engine Show. Contact: Jim Misner, (231) 698-0780; Ernie Spedowski, (231) 796-3364.
Aug. 23-25, Clarksville. Clarksville Steam and Gas Engine Show. Exit 59 south off 1-96,1 mile west on Robbins Rd. Contact: Bill Mathews, 287 S. Main, Clarksville, Ml 48815; (616) 693-2632; e-mail:
Aug. 30-Sept. 1, Hartford. 6th Annual Old Engine & Tractor Show. Van Buren Fairgrounds. Contact: David and Judy Rainey, (616) 427-7615; Wayne and Mary Rose, (616) 621 -4445.
Aug. 2-4, Jordan. 39th Annual Scott-Carver Threshers Old-Time Harvest Festival. Scott-Carver Thresher Grounds, watch for signs. Contact: Deb Hunter, (952) 492-2062.
Sept. 13-15, Albany. 28th Annual Albany Pioneer Days. Contact: Stearns County Pioneer Club Inc., P.O. Box 482, Albany, MN 56307; (320)845-7316.
June 26-29, Richland. Tri-County Fair. Shady Dell Park. Contact: Tri-County Fair Board, P.O. Box 928, Richland, MO 65556; Art Bryant, (573) 765-5911; Amanda Pemberton, (573) 765-2711.
July 12-14, Paris. The Mark Twain Old Threshers 33rd Annual Show. Contact: Shelby Curtright, P.O. Box 14, Paris, MO 65275; (660) 327-5364.
July 19-21, St. Charles. Tractor and Engine Show. St. Peters Park, off 1-70 Exit 222. Contact: Gene Lapointe, 18001 Turkey Hill Rd., Marthasville, MO 63357; (636) 433-5600;
July 25-28, Macon. Flywheel Reunion. Fairgrounds Park, Hwy. 63 S. Contact: Danny Primm, (660) 385-3639; Sandy Turnbull (flea market), (573)439-5919.
July 26-28, Adrian. 24th Annual Steam & Gas Engine Show. Contact: Al Tenholder, (816) 297-2364; Don Arndt, (816) 297-2228.
July 20-21, Genoa. Heritage Power Assn. 2nd Annual Show. Contact: Marc Swantek, (402) 993-9995; Monte Swantek, (402) 993-2487.
July 20-21, Waverly. Camp Creek Threshers 26th Annual Show. 2 miles east of old Waverly High School on Bluff Rd. Contact: John Wolff, (402) 464-8470; Bob Janecek, (402) 443-4649.
June 15-16, LaMoure. North Dakota Farm Toy Show. Contact: Toy Farmer Ltd., (800) 533-8293.
June 20-23, Urbana. The Mad River Steam and Gas Show 23rd Annual Reunion. Champaign County Fairgrounds. Contact: Michael Ward, P.O. Box 27, Westville OH 43083;
July 13-14, Ashland. Yesteryear Machinery Club 11th Annual Show. State Route 60 South. Contact: Dave Booth (tractors), (419) 289-0456; Dan (engines), (419) 962-4771 ; e-mail:
Aug. 1 -4, Findlay. Northwest Ohio Antique Machinery Assn. 31st Annual Show & Garden Tractor Expo 2002. Hancock County Fairgrounds. Contact: Richard Williams, 13654 C.R. 53, Mt. Cory, OH 45868; (419) 859-3386; Doug Tallman (garden tractors), (419) 752-4082; e-mail:
Aug. 8-11, Georgetown. Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show. 1 mile west, on the center of S.R. 125 and Winfield Rd. Contact: Bob Neu, (937) 379-1281; Earl Pringle, (513) 724-7820.
Aug. 22-25, Kalida. Deere Creek Days. Contact: Kalida Fish & Game Club, 16415 State Route 694, Kalida, OH 45853; Ed Hermiller, (419) 532-3624.
June 28-29, Cashion. 2nd Annual Farm and Road Show. Contact: Calvin Reasoner, (405) 433-2363; Mark Adams, (405) 433-2715.
July 3-4, Lake Frederick. Great Plains Antique Tractor Show. East of Manitoba, on Baseline Rd., Hwy. 5C. Contact: Frederick Chamber of Commerce, (580) 335-2126; Jim and Joani Smith, (580)335-7541.
July 19-20, Fairview. The National John Deere Two-Cylinder Tractor Show. 1 -1 /2 miles east on 58 Hwy. Contact: Harry Martens, P.O. Box 322, Fairview, OK 73737; (580) 227-3380;
July 27-28, Aug. 3-4, Brooks. Great Oregon Steam-Up. Antique Powerland. Contact: Julius Dalzell, 3995 Brooklake Rd. NE, Brooks, OR 97303; (503) 393-2424; e-mail:
June 29-July 7, Kutztown. Pennsylvania German Festival. Kutztown Fairgrounds. Contact: Information line, (888) 674-6136; Dave Fooks, (610) 683-1537; e-mail:
July 25-28, Stoneboro. 10th Annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show. Stoneboro Fairgrounds, Route 62. Contact: Walter Darraugh, (724) 662-3488; Dick Struthers, (724) 662-5462;
July 26-28, Ashville. Antique Power Equipment Days. 1 mile west on Route 36. Contact: Jerry L Sharp, 301 Sharp Rd., Loretto, PA 15940; (814)472-8087.
Aug. 14-17, Kinzers. Rough & Tumble Engineers 54th Annual Threshermen’s Reunion. Show grounds on Route 30. Contact: Ernie, (717) 786-3627; Bob Reynolds, (717) 442-4539; R St T, Box 9, Kinzers, PA 17535; (717) 442-4249;
Aug. 31, Dublin. Bucks-Mont Two-Cylinder Club Show. Dublin Firehouse Grounds, Route 313. Contact: Grant Zook, P.O. Box 68, Blooming Glen, PA 18911; (215) 723-5840; Graye Peak, (215)453-1482.
June 21-22, Crossville. 7th Annual Cumberland Plateau Antique Tractor and Engine Show. Cumberland County Community Complex. Contact: Julie Smith, 971 Hillendale Rd., Crossville, TN 38572; (931) 788-6433; Kenny Carey, 4889 Plateau Rd., Crossville, TN 38572; (931)277-5227.
June 28-30, Stonewall. Hill Country Antique Tractor & Engine Club Annual Show. Contact: Ken Wiesman, 7158 South U.S. Hwy. 87, Fredericksburg, TX 78624; (830) 997-4522; e-mail:
July 27-29, Berryville. 35th Annual Shenandoah Valley Steam and Gas Engine Show. 1 mile west on Route 7. Contact: Rick and Linda Custer, 167 McGuire Lane, Gerrardstown, VW 25420; (304) 229-2101 (evenings); Charles Gray, Jr., (540)955-2651.
July 6-7, Fall City. Northwest Vintage Iron Antique Tractor Show. Jubilee Farm. Contact: Phil Scott, (425) 413-6009.
July 13-14, Auburn. 21st Annual Antique Farm Engine and Tractor Show. Mason County Fairgrounds on Hwy. 101 north of Shelton. Contact: Dan Nicholas, (425) 432-4860.
July 20-21, Rosholt. 13th Annual Thresheree and Antique Tractor Pull. Rosholt Fair Park. Contact: Craig Anderson, P.O. Box 85, Rosholt, Wl 54473; (715)677-1734.
Aug. 16-18, Baraboo. Badger Steam & Gas Engine Club 39th Annual Show. Reedsburg Rd. and Sand Rd., off Hwy. 12. Contact: Chuck McFariane, P.O. Box 255 Baraboo, Wl 53913; (608) 643-8388; Mark Beard (flea market), (608)544-2115.
July 24-27, Austin. 48th Annual Manitoba Threshermen’s Reunion & Stampede. Contact: Sandra Head, Box 10, Austin, MB ROH 0C0, Canada.
June 29-July 1, Fenelon Falls. East Lake Simcoe Pioneer Society. Fenelon Fairgrounds. Contact: Gail M. Jordan, 47 Killarney Bay Rd., R.R. 2, Cameron, ONT K0M 1G0, Canada; (705) 374-5023; e-mail:
July 12-14, llderton. Tri-County Heritage & Antique Show. 10 miles northwest of London, about halfway between Detroit and Toronto, one hour west of Port Huron. Contact: Sharon Ridley, 80 Deer Park Circle, London, ONT N6H 3B6 Canada; (519)471-7521; e-mail: