Sometimes, less is more. It’s a lesson I
learned after attending two super but very small shows.
At Farm Collector, time, budgets and stamina limit the number of
shows we attend. Accordingly, we agonize over where to go,
considering geographic diversity, featured equipment,
demonstrations, airport proximity and show size. In the case of the
the buck.
As it turns out, small shows can be just as good. This summer I
was fortunate to drop in on the combined show of the North American
Dairy Foundation and the hay tool collectors (see pages 36-39 of
this issue). It’s not a combination as immediately obvious as ham
and eggs, but if not siblings, the groups are at least cousins.
A few weeks later I found myself in southeastern Colorado at the
19th annual International Windmillers Trade Fair, an event that
resembled nothing so much as a family reunion, albeit one with a
lot of windmills.
I could cover the physical area of either show in a lazy amble
of about three minutes. But in the process I literally tripped over
stunning relics of the past (the kinds of things that rarely make
it to a big show), uncommonly friendly people and stories by the
With less hubbub comes more time to visit, learn and compare
notes. There were no wristbands, no tractors pulling shuttles, no
loudspeakers – just lazy summer days when folks of a like mind came
together to share a common interest. No matter the size, every show
has its own unique treasures … and good things do come in small
Can’t get enough old iron? Check our out new online photo
The online site is a collection of photos from the world of
antique farm equipment. Some are shots we didn’t have room for in
the magazine; others are submitted by Farm Collector readers. This
is a chance for you to view a huge selection of photos, and post
some yourself!
Registration is free (and easy!). Just log on to and click on cu.FarmCollector online photo
gallery. At YouCU, you’ll be able to create and share galleries of
photos, as well as view galleries created by others. At WeCU,
you’ll find photos we couldn’t squeeze into the magazine.
Take a look. We think you’ll like what you find. And join the
fun: Post photos of your own! After you create a gallery, be sure
to add captions and tags so others will be able to find your
photos. CU around!
Leslie McManus, Editor