The Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry has been given
a historic colony barn and is in need of help in preserving a piece
of Alaskan history. This barn was built in 1936, and was part of
the farm colonization project promoted and paid for by the federal
government. People were sent from the Midwest to start farms in the
Matanuska Valley. The property the barn sits on has been sold and
to the museum property 10 miles through the town of Wasilla.
When we get the barn on MATI property, the lower half will
become a showroom for antique farm equipment. Exhibits will tell
about the life of the colonist in the Matanuska Valley. The hayloft
(32 feet by 85 feet) will be open for barn dances, country music
night and other museum events. This will be the largest room in the
valley open to the public for large events.
We need help to make this move and get the barn restored.
Volunteers have gotten the barn prepared and a local moving company
has donated equipment for the move. We welcome donations. MATI is a
501C museum and donations should be marked for the MATI/SOB
Project. And if you’re in the area, stop by to see the barn.
– Dick Wilson, MATI board member
P.O. Box 877549
Wasilla, AK 99687
(907) 376-9267