While growing up, I was always around antique tractors. My dad,
Clifford, usually had a tractor of one brand or another to do small
farming. He used his tractors for gardening, bush-hogging and
hauling firewood.
In 2003, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and fought it for a
year or so until he passed away. In this short year, he wanted me
and 1971 International Cub (left). I already owned a 1953 Farmall
Cub so my brother got the Cub and I got the Jubilee. Dad wanted to
give these tractors to us but his life was running short and the
hospital bills were steadily coming. So my brother and I purchased
these tractors from Dad to help with the medical bills.
When I took the Jubilee home, I knew it would be one of the most
treasured things I would keep in honor of my late father. I have
used it the last couple of years in the fields bush-hogging and
discing. The Jubilee has a 31 hp Red Tiger engine and handles
5-foot implements very well. I have longed to restore the Jubilee
to show and parade. Finally, the day came and I had the Jubilee
repainted by a co-worker and friend. My wife, Sandy, detailed the
background painting of the medallion on the nose of this
I will be driving the Jubilee with my head held high for I know
my dad is smiling down and a part of him is riding with me.
– Tommy Burchett
Gordo, Ala.
e-mail: tommy.burchett@zf.com