Years ago I came into possession of a single-cylinder Novo
hand-crank air-cooled engine. I had the idea it was about a 6 hp
with an external magneto and an impulse coupling and weighed about
150 pounds.
I began farming in 1963. Toward the end of harvesting ear corn I
acquired the engine and mounted it and a speed jack (with on-off
dump with 10-foot folding dump. I now have the Novo and speed jack
assembly in the shed.
I believe the Novo engine originally powered a Signal Corp.
generator, possibly built or assembled in 1938 or 1939. I believe
the engine may have been manufactured in Michigan.
Can anyone provide information on the engine’s background,
horsepower, owner’s manual or related material? Copies are
– Herbert Wodtke
R.R. 1, Box 49
Loogootee, IL 62857