On page 21 of the February 2007 issue of Farm
Collector, you picture two unknown items, and suggest that
they might be inspection covers from a corn shredder or toolbox
lids. They are neither.
The pictured items are from the frame of a horse-drawn wagon,
and are called “reach plates.” They lay horizontally in the frame,
slices of bread in a sandwich. By sliding the coupling pole forward
or backward, you adjust the distance between the front and rear
axles, determining the length of the wagon frame. One end of each
plate has three holes across it. A pin would pass through the
center hole and a hole in the coupling pole. By searching for
“reach plates” on eBay you may see similar items from other
manufacturers. The logos may be different, but it is readily
apparent that they are for the same purpose.
– Tom Gipson
Via e-mail