In a letter to the editor in the November 2006 issue of Farm
Collector, John Jenkins asked about the Jenkins company.
The Jenkins Hay Rake & Stacker Co. is shown in an 1893
Buyer’s Guide as being located in Browning, Mo. The firm’s
product is listed as the Jenkins metal truss drag rake, used to
work with stackers.
The 1911 Buyer’s Guide shows the Jenkins Hay Rake &
Stacker Co. had moved to Chillicothe, Mo. Its products were
automatic swinging and overshot hay stackers, sweep rakes, alfalfa
stackers and push rakes. Jenkins machines were handled by the
Moline Plow Co., and its branch houses.
In the 1930 Buyer’s Guide, the Jenkins firm was still
in Chillicothe and its products were the same. Many jobbers were
listed, including Massey-Harris and B.F. Avery, among others.
My next guide is from 1945, and it lists no Jenkins firm,
although a Chillicothe (Mo.) Hay Rake & Stacker Co. is listed,
which may have been a successor to the Jenkins firm. For more
information about the Jenkins company, try contacting the
Chillicothe public library, or the city or county historical
Sam Moore
Salem, Ohio