Good job, Silas Blough!

By Sam Moore
Published on April 8, 2010
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Silas Blough
Silas Blough's drawing of a Keck-Gonnerman steam traction engine.

I wanted to compliment Silas Blough, Clarksville, Mich., on the excellent drawing of a Keck-Gonnerman steam traction engine that appeared on the Sprouts page of the April issue of Farm Collector.

The detail and proportion of the drawing attest not only to Silas’ familiarity with the subject, but to his talent as well.

I’ll bet he gets in trouble with his school teachers for drawing in class when he should be studying: I know I did. I was forever drawing tractors, cars, trucks and airplanes in class and often got yelled at. My favorite subject was a Farmall F-30 tractor (Dad had one), and I got quite good at drawing the thing from memory.

Silas shows real skill and I enjoyed seeing his drawing.

Sam Moore
Salem, Ohio
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