I don’t know if I should direct this to Letters to the Editor or the What-Is-It? section: 55 to 60 years ago, I dug this sign out of a burned-out, abandoned rural home site in central California. It’s heavy porcelain with two brass rivets for mounting and is 17-1/2 inches in diameter. I have asked lots of folks as to its origin and meaning – old-timers, the Heidrick Ag History Center, University of California-Davis historians and an ad in Antique Power.
I would like to know about it: Does it have to do with a specific company, labor union, rural electrification, or what? I have been reading your magazine and there seems to be a whole lot of people out there with a vast amount of knowledge, hence this letter. Thanks for any help.
Ken Henderson21359 County Rd. 99Woodland, CA 95695(530) 666-4630Send letters to: Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385; e-mail: editor@farmcollector.com.