It’s a Mystery: Looking for help in identifying engine
I’m enclosing a photo or an unidentified engine. There is no nameplate nor any identifying numbers. I would like to know more about the engine, especially the make, horsepower, and when it was built. There appears to be some faded green paint, similar to IHC green. Credit for restoring this engine goes to Ed Filmore, Osage City, Kan.
-Earl Ficklin, 3220 SE 69th, Berryton, Kan., 66409
I am in the midst of writing a history of my family. One of the items that I would like to include in my book is a picture and description of a threshing machine my grandfather owned in 1913. The threshing machine was a “Stanley Jones Stationary Thresher,” and the family never did take a photo of it at the time. I was unable to find any information about this machine at my local library.
I would appreciate any assistance from FARM COLLECTOR readers in finding any data on this machine.
-R.C. Feser, 4323 – 29th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6T1C4
My husband loved the first issue of FARM COLLECTOR! So far he has read it three times in four days!
-Carol Harms, Lyons, Wis.
I purchased a fanning mill at the recent Portland, Ind. engine and tractor show. It was made by the International Manufacturing Company, located in Crestline, Ohio. It was a model 101. I am trying to find some information on this mill, and the company that made it. I also need information on the screens used for different size seed for this mill. Any information would be a great help. Thanks.
-Michael Skeen, 1554 Hickory Hill Ct, Florence, KY 41042-9710
We were pleased and surprised to see the article on “Goat Days” at Millington, Tenn. We have attended the event every year since it started, and it is one of our favorites. The display of tractors and engines there is always enjoyable, and this year’s exhibit of military vehicles was such an interesting addition. We hope to see more articles about unique shows in FARM COLLECTOR. You’re off to a good start.
-Sandra and Paul Eddington, Memphis, Tenn.
I bought your first issue of Farm Collector at a threshing show. I was hooked on it. I just got my first issue by mail, and no surprises: the second was just as good as the first. I have two Minneapolis Moline tractors and just this year started collecting gas engines as well. I get other gas engine and tractor magazines, too, but I have to confess: you have a real winner here. Keep up the good work and keep the presses rolling.
-Russ V. Johnson, Minneapolis, Minn.