Looking for a few good bloggers (and show photos!)

Reader Contribution by Leslie Mcmanus
Published on September 24, 2010

Nothing beats the fun of show season, when we catch up with old friends, check out restorations and recent finds, and learn a new trick or two. But the Farm Collector website is a close second.
At www.FarmCollector.com, you’ll find articles on every conceivable aspect of the old iron hobby, as well as photos shared by people from all over the country and blogs from Farm Collector contributors.
Lest you think the word “blog” is a typo, allow me to explain. Blog – short for “web log” is really nothing more than a short story, a restoration tip or idea, or any information you’d like to share on the antique farm hobby. Send us your story, tip or inside info, and it may appear on our website! If you’d like to try your hand at blogging, e-mail us at editor@farmcollector.com. While you’re at it, visit our website and sign up for our weekly e-mail newsletter, post a photo – even help select our covers! It’s all free, and it’s all fun.
And add this to your “to do” list: It’s time to send in your best photos from the 2010 show season. We’ll publish all we have space for in our February 2011 Show Photo issue – and all photos submitted will be posted on our website. What better way to promote your club’s show, share a great shot and spread the word about the old iron hobby?
Nov. 2 is the deadline for photo submissions. We’ll publish as many as we have space for. Please send original prints (but note that none will be returned) or high quality digital images. Polaroids, prints generated on plain paper and low-resolution digital photos do not reproduce well and will not be accepted.
Please provide names of people in the photos if you can, and tell us when and where the photo was taken, the name of the photographer and the show, and any other relevant information. Include your name, phone number and e-mail address and send your photos to Farm Collector Show Photos, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka KS 66609. Remember: Nov. 2 is the deadline. We can’t wait to see your photos!
In most parts of the country, show season has drawn to a close. But the coffee’s still on at www.FarmCollector.com. Drop by and sit a spell! FC

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