What did you do this summer?

Celebrate your old farm equipment hobbies and send in your favorite photos for a chance to have them appear in a future issue.

Reader Contribution by Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on September 8, 2020
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by Fred Hendricks

A show of hands, please: How many of you, in your far-off childhoods, ever wrote the “What I Did this Summer” essay when you returned to school in the fall? Ah. You don’t remember? Good. That works for me!

I don’t actually need essays (although if you want to shoot me a letter or an email and tell me how you’re keeping busy this summer, I would be delighted to read them!). What I do need is pictures.

Normally, at this time of year, I’d be reminding you to get your favorite photos from the 2020 show season ready to send us for our Show Photo issue in February 2021. In this first year of the pandemic, there probably won’t be many to send. Seems like most of the big shows have long since cancelled for 2020.

Some other shows, though, are forging bravely ahead. I would be especially thrilled to get photos from those events: Please send them! I don’t know how many shows are being held this year. I ask everyone I come in contact with: Are any shows being held near you? I’ve gotten a few affirmative responses, but not many.

Which means that a whole lot of you will have nothing to send. So, this year, I’m asking this: Send any photo that shows what you love about old farm equipment. Steam engines, tractors, stationary engines; windmills, hog oilers, corn shellers, combines, threshing machines; friends, field demonstrations, parades, crazy loads on the trailer or your favorite project.

I know old photos can be hard to find on a minute’s notice, so I’m giving you a little extra time to dig them up. When you find them, please include as much detailed information as possible, including make and model of equipment (if relevant); names of identifiable people; name, date and location (if possible). Include a phone number and email address so I can contact you if I have questions.

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