Pack in the Good Stuff

Reader Contribution by Leslie Mcmanus
Published on January 3, 2013
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If you travel much, you learn how to pack a suitcase to use every inch of space. It’s an equally useful skill if you work for a magazine — a fact brought home to us as we produced this issue of Farm Collector.

This issue contains a record number of reader-submitted photos celebrating Show Season 2012. This year’s crop was the best ever, making the selection especially challenging. I take some comfort in the fact that we are able to post even more photos in 2012 Show Photos — Online Exclusive, but we still rolled and folded and tucked as many as we possibly could into the pages of this issue — even on this page, where you’re looking at a lovely winter scene courtesy of Deborah and Paul Spink, Varysburg, N.Y. The Spinks’ photo is not technically a show photo — but then this page is not technically part of the show photo section. Picture me sitting on a suitcase!

It seems we are forever working within constraints of one kind or another as we work to bring this hobby to your mailbox every month. Having an abundance of material, though, is a good problem. That is the beauty of old iron: There is an awful lot of it, and there are an awful lot of people who love it and work endlessly to preserve it. Every month, we do our level best to fill these pages with the very best material available. Need a resolution for the new year? Think like an editor and pack in as much of the good stuff as you possibly can! Happy New Year from all of us at Farm Collector. FC

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