John Harvey’s Collection of Antique Lard Tins

By Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on August 13, 2014
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Porky, wearing a red bandanna and spectacles, is happy he’s not a part of Schenk's Good Will Pure Lard. Porky is John's favorite pig.
Porky, wearing a red bandanna and spectacles, is happy he’s not a part of Schenk's Good Will Pure Lard. Porky is John's favorite pig.
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A.G. Kriebel, Hereford, Pa., kept it simple.
A.G. Kriebel, Hereford, Pa., kept it simple.
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Companies packaged lard in tins of varying sizes. Arbogast & Bastian offered tins ranging from 3 to 50 pounds.
Companies packaged lard in tins of varying sizes. Arbogast & Bastian offered tins ranging from 3 to 50 pounds.
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The largest tin in John Harvey's collection — from Wolff Packing Co., Topeka, Kan. — holds 50 pounds of lard. On the tin’s side are illustrations of pigs engaged in various activities.
The largest tin in John Harvey's collection — from Wolff Packing Co., Topeka, Kan. — holds 50 pounds of lard. On the tin’s side are illustrations of pigs engaged in various activities.
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This Babbitt Bros. tin is in fine original condition. John found it while traveling in Colorado.
This Babbitt Bros. tin is in fine original condition. John found it while traveling in Colorado.
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A Hampshire hog on a tin produced by Millikan's, Asheboro, N.C., could nearly pass for a photograph. Most tins used artwork and illustrations.
A Hampshire hog on a tin produced by Millikan's, Asheboro, N.C., could nearly pass for a photograph. Most tins used artwork and illustrations.
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Lard tins come in varied sizes from many states. The phrase,
Lard tins come in varied sizes from many states. The phrase, "put up by," usually appears just above the company name.
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Clever artwork is a hallmark of 20th century lard tins. John collects only tins with pigs on them.
Clever artwork is a hallmark of 20th century lard tins. John collects only tins with pigs on them.
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Three little pigs dance in their
Three little pigs dance in their "Sunday go to meetin'" clothes on this tin produced by Hertz Bros., Milton, Pa.
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"All of me, why not take all of me?" This pig wasn't just whistling Dixie: Packing plants typically took all but the squeal.
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Clever artwork is a hallmark of 20th century lard tins. John collects only tins with pigs on them.
Clever artwork is a hallmark of 20th century lard tins. John collects only tins with pigs on them.
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John in his
John in his "Pig Parlor." John has collected nearly 30 lard tins plus dozens of pieces of pig memorabilia.

John Harvey’s name is usually associated with antique tractors. He created the Classic Farm Tractors calendar and founded a company called Classic Tractor Fever that focuses on people who collect, restore and preserve classic farm tractors. You may even have seen some of his Classic Tractor Fever broadcasts on RFD-TV. But most people do not associate John with antique lard tins.

Getting an early start

Growing up on a small dairy farm near St. Joseph, Missouri, John learned early on to love the land, farm people and livestock — especially hogs. His FFA chapter at Savannah High School held a hog show and sale every fall, so John jumped into the Swine Project with both feet, purchasing a purebred Hampshire gilt as a starter.

In his school’s shop class, he built a modified hog house under the sharp eye of instructor Glenn Wade. It included pig rails along the side to prevent the sow from crushing a baby pig. The mother might weigh 300 pounds, the piglet just 3 pounds; every FFA student wanted to save every pig possible.

Later, John and his father established a small, select herd of Hampshire and Yorkshire purebred hogs with customers in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. “Hogs put me through college,” John says.

Earning a degree in agricultural journalism at the University of Missouri, John joined the staff of Successful Farming in the 1960s and was named Swine Editor. He wrote numerous feature articles promoting “lean-type hogs” and the pros and cons of raising hogs in confinement. “You can see why I have a passion for pigs,” he says. “I was a hog man, or, to be politically correct today, call me a pig person.”

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