What’s So New About Battery-Powered Vehicles?

By Richard Stout
Published on July 9, 2019
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Courtesy of Richard Stout
The author, aboard his invention.

Sometime in the middle of the 1950s, when I was looking at a boys’ mechanical-type magazine, an ad listed rubber tire wheels for sale. I had several ideas for projects that were unrealized for lack of wheels. I do not remember the price, but at that time a lot of things were post-paid, so I sent for them. To my disgust, when the wheels arrived, they were 6 inches tall instead of the hoped for 10 inches.

After some time, I decided to build a motor scooter. Rounding up parts from a tricycle and some pipe, I proceeded to weld it together. All I had to use was a 110-volt welder, an electric drill, and a hacksaw. I took the engine of my mother’s Choremaster garden tractor. (This was frowned upon: You were not to mess with my mother’s tractor unless you were planning to use it in her garden.) But as the V-belt pulley on the rear wheel was only 4 to 4-1/2 inches in diameter and the engine centrifugal clutch pulley was 2 to 2-1/2 inches in diameter, it was just too fast and could not pull itself. It was relegated to the shed until I got another intuition.

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