Horse-Drawn Gundlach Grain Drill

By Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on April 27, 2009
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A set of gears on each end of the grain box drove the seed metering mechanism on this Gundlach grain drill. Light use and good storage have preserved the piece in fine original condition.
A set of gears on each end of the grain box drove the seed metering mechanism on this Gundlach grain drill. Light use and good storage have preserved the piece in fine original condition.
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This view shows how the angle of the shoes was set with wood pins. The pins would shear if the drill ran into a root or large rock. Norm’s dad mounted a small wood box on the front of the drill box to hold extra pins, which he made from white oak and hickory.
This view shows how the angle of the shoes was set with wood pins. The pins would shear if the drill ran into a root or large rock. Norm’s dad mounted a small wood box on the front of the drill box to hold extra pins, which he made from white oak and hickory.
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Against a background of still clear original paint are the gradations on a regulation mechanism for different types of grain. A key to the gradations is found on the directions stapled to the underside of the grain box.
Against a background of still clear original paint are the gradations on a regulation mechanism for different types of grain. A key to the gradations is found on the directions stapled to the underside of the grain box.
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The double tree, single trees and neck yoke are original to the drill.
The double tree, single trees and neck yoke are original to the drill.

When rural Illinois farmer Vern Baggett bought a Gundlach grain drill in the early 1940s, it was near the end of the line for horse-drawn farm equipment.

Perhaps sensing the passing of an era, when Vern retired the Gundlach in the 1950s, he treated it with unusual care, hanging it by its wheels from a machine shed’s rafters.

Last summer, Vern’s son, Norm, took the drill down. “I just knew something was going to give way and the drill would be laying on the floor in a pile of junk,” he says.

The piece was manufactured by P.M. Gund­lach & Sons, Belleville, Ill. Gundlach was an old hand with grain drills, having produced them since the 1890s. Gundlach drills were used to drill wheat, oats, barley, soybeans and grass. The piece contains an acre measure and seed metering mechanism. When Vern bought the drill, soybeans were just starting to come on strong in U.S. agriculture. “Up until they started making plastic out of soybeans, we only grew a few for cow feed,” Norm says.

Like other implements of the time, the Gund­lach straddled two eras. The drill never had a seat on it, so Vern walked behind it. “He could have ridden on the grain box,” Norm explains, “but he said that put extra weight on the horse’s neck.” In later years Vern cut out the tongue and used a tractor to pull the drill, a less-than-ideal solution. “To turn around at the end of the field, he had to get off the tractor and raise the shoes out of the ground,” Norm recalls.

Vern modified the piece by adding a 2-by-4 with a clevis on the back side under the grain box, allowing him to pull a wagon loaded with seed when he went to the field. Complete directions for assembly and use of the drill were stapled inside the grain box lid and remain in excellent condition. Branches of the Gundlach family remain in business today, operating varied manufacturing concerns. FC

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