The Salesman’s Samples

By Loretta Sorensen
Published on November 11, 2016
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A Bradley dump rake. The Bradley line was manufactured in Syracuse, N.Y.
A Bradley dump rake. The Bradley line was manufactured in Syracuse, N.Y.
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Models of full-size vintage implements are true to the original, like the Bradley’s seat, which carries the manufacturer’s name.
Models of full-size vintage implements are true to the original, like the Bradley’s seat, which carries the manufacturer’s name.
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Each model in Ervin Chupp’s collection is made of brass and features the working components found on a full-size piece, such as this 1-bottom sulky plow. Each is also fitted with the tongue used to hitch a team to the implement.
Each model in Ervin Chupp’s collection is made of brass and features the working components found on a full-size piece, such as this 1-bottom sulky plow. Each is also fitted with the tongue used to hitch a team to the implement.
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Each model in Ervin Chupp’s collection is made of brass and features the working components found on a full-size piece, such as this 1-bottom sulky plow. Each is also fitted with the tongue used to hitch a team to the implement.
Each model in Ervin Chupp’s collection is made of brass and features the working components found on a full-size piece, such as this 1-bottom sulky plow. Each is also fitted with the tongue used to hitch a team to the implement.
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Details such as those found on this horse-drawn mower – right down to the individual teeth in the mower blade – are particularly intriguing.
Details such as those found on this horse-drawn mower – right down to the individual teeth in the mower blade – are particularly intriguing.
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This miniature 2-row corn planter features all the working parts of its full-sized counterpart. It is fitted with boggle trees and a pole used to hitch a team for work in the field.
This miniature 2-row corn planter features all the working parts of its full-sized counterpart. It is fitted with boggle trees and a pole used to hitch a team for work in the field.
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Ervin commissioned pieces like these in an effort to preserve replicas of implements that are becoming rare sights, even in some Amish communities.
Ervin commissioned pieces like these in an effort to preserve replicas of implements that are becoming rare sights, even in some Amish communities.
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E&S Sales, located on a main street in Shipshewana, Ind., comprises a 23,000-square-foot store and 47,000-square-foot warehouse.
E&S Sales, located on a main street in Shipshewana, Ind., comprises a 23,000-square-foot store and 47,000-square-foot warehouse.
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E&S Sales, located on a main street in Shipshewana, Ind., comprises a 23,000-square-foot store and 47,000-square-foot warehouse.
E&S Sales, located on a main street in Shipshewana, Ind., comprises a 23,000-square-foot store and 47,000-square-foot warehouse.

There was a time when sales of scale-model farm implements provided a reasonable revenue stream for Ervin Chupp. The Shipshewana, Indiana, man offered the models as a sideline in his bulk foods store.

But when his bulk foods sales expanded and he found it difficult to compete with prices set by individual vendors selling models, Ervin made a change. He backed away from the replicas and increased the variety of bulk foods on his shelves.

Although he no longer sold models, the Amish businessman sensed a strong interest in them among his customers. He decided to display his personal collection in his store. Today, shoppers at E&S Sales Bulk Foods enjoy viewing small-scale replicas of vintage wagons, buggies, corn pickers and tractors on the top level of store shelving. A small collection of Ervin’s most exclusive models decorates an upstairs office.

Out of each new release of the scale models Ervin sold, he kept one. After he stopped selling models, he continued to collect them. “We were surprised when shoppers came to the store just to see the collection,” he says. “Often, though they initially came to see the models, they decided to purchase food here, too. It was an unexpected benefit for us.”

Reminders of boyhood on the farm

When Ervin’s sons established Chupp Auctions & Real Estate in Shipshewana, it provided Ervin with another source for collectible models.

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