Irrigating, Old Style: The Skinner System

By Frank Roesch
Published on June 22, 2009
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A drill-and-tap device clamps to the pipe; the drill was turned by hand.
A drill-and-tap device clamps to the pipe; the drill was turned by hand.
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Skinner overhead irrigation systems use 1-inch or 3/4-inch pipe with nozzles every 3 feet. The Skinner system was patented by Charles Skinner of Ohio in 1894. The company appears to have ceased production in 1976.
Skinner overhead irrigation systems use 1-inch or 3/4-inch pipe with nozzles every 3 feet. The Skinner system was patented by Charles Skinner of Ohio in 1894. The company appears to have ceased production in 1976.
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A Skinner pipe guide stamped “Newfield, N.J.”
A Skinner pipe guide stamped “Newfield, N.J.”
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Original packaging for the Ohio-made Skinner irrigation system.
Original packaging for the Ohio-made Skinner irrigation system.
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C.W. Skinner oscillator, manufactured in Newfield, N.J.
C.W. Skinner oscillator, manufactured in Newfield, N.J.

Born and raised in south Jersey (the Garden State) near Atlantic City, my uncles and cousins were all farmers. They used the Skinner irrigation system.

That type of watering used pipes with nozzles supported on wooden poles with an oscillator at the supply end. Most crops could be watered using this method.

However, the poles did have their disadvantages. Weeds flourished where the nozzles dripped. My uncle planted dill in the pole rows and plowed next to the poles by hand. Many radish, spinach, parsley and pickle crops were grown with that type of watering. A gentle breeze helped disperse the streams that left the nozzles.

Water was pumped from wells using various pumps. My uncle’s pump was a Myers 6-by-6. Made in Ashland, Ohio, it had a 6-inch bore and 6-inch stroke. It looked like a monster with its air chambers, but never missed a clunk when it was operating. A ladle hung nearby for those lucky enough to get a taste of that cold water when the pump was working.

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